Untitled (for now)
By ColorMeToxic
My daddy bought for me,
a board of dime-store rings.
They meant so much to me,
they weren't worth a thing.
Cheap metal circles,
shiny plastic "stones".
How I felt so pretty,
each time I put one on.
Children are careless
and I,
was no different.
When I lost that board of dime-store rings,
a piece of my heart went with it.
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© 2015 Beth Greene
Published on Thursday, December 29, 2016.
Filed under:
Author's Note:
Sometimes things can be both worthless...and priceless.Awards
Comments on "Untitled (for now)"
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A former member wrote:
Whether you had a nice childhood or not, those objects really hit the spot if you ever find them... Reminds me of the movie Le Fabuleux Destin d'Amélie Poulain in a way. Very sweet poem, many thanks for sharing.
A former member wrote:
Aww! My son gets me rings out of the quarter machine...takes me back to dressing up, wearing a crown and heels to big for my feet :) Thanks for the share
On Thursday, July 11, 2013, Devilish
(2633) wrote:
Aweeee. i've had so many things through out my childhood that i treasured and don't think i own a single one of them now. and really couldn't tell ya what happen to them.. hugs beautiful .. long time no see.
On Thursday, July 11, 2013, ColorMeToxic
(238) wrote:
Thanks Dev. It has been a long time since I've written anything.
A former member wrote:
Awww to be a child again... how I miss when the world was different.