The Bloom of Youth
By ColorMeToxic
I was born with stars in eyes,and love in my heart.
with all the ambition a dreamer's mind could conjure.
I had all the confidence needed to thrive, truth.
now I am stuck within my mind, fast on ponder.
if I knew then what I know now...I'd not part.
I'd hold on tighter to the bloom of youth.
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Copyright 2016 Beth
Published on Saturday, March 19, 2016.
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On Saturday, April 2, 2016, dwells
(4177) wrote:
After the blossoms come the fruit. Hi Beth, and so glad to see you're still gracing DP. Cheers! - Dan
On Thursday, March 24, 2016, darkness falls
(73) wrote:
The innocent and carefree days of youth...I'd love to have them back to squander once more...especially now, in the face of the knowledge of my own mortality. Thank you, Beth, for saying what we all long for so eloquently...
A former member wrote:
It's not easy to look back over the wastelands of youth and try to find some sense in them. I know I can't but your poem struck the nerve and forced recollections. A work very well done.