Red haired Chinese girl with a Southern Drawl
By TropicalSnowstorm
Everyone has their own taste,
on what is pretty in their eyes.
There’s a lid for every pot -
one man’s toss off, another’s prize.
My brother likes Latinas,
one of my cousins loves fat chicks.
Some people go for muscles,
others like them skinny as sticks.
I’ve got a friend from Jersey
that likes his women blonde and tall.
But I’m just looking
for a red-haired Chinese girl
with a Southern drawl.
I’ve hit each Asian buffet
between Memphis and Tupelo
and though I ain’t found her yet,
one day I’ll order her "to go".
Kung Pao chicken and cornbread…
at breakfast, grits and wonton soup.
Make love on a rocking chair,
then shoot some squirrels from our stoop.
A gal to practice Hung Gar
that still knows to call you guys "y’all".
So I’m holding out
for a red-haired Chinese girl
with a Southern drawl.
Comments on "Red haired Chinese girl with a Southern Drawl"
A former member wrote:
This popped up on the front page, and the title just drew me in and I had to check it out. I'm very glad that I did, because this brought a smile to my face on a very shitty night. Clever and great! Reb:).
On Friday, December 6, 2013, BetaWolfinVA
(791) wrote:
loved it, very funny :)
A former member wrote:
Made me laugh and then wonder if m own desires are ridiculous.
On Wednesday, October 3, 2012, Ortolan
(214) wrote:
Well written, charming, and hilarious.
On Saturday, March 10, 2012, Alchemist
(679) wrote:
I don't know about Chinese but I like a red hair, frickle faced and big ass southern girl.
On Wednesday, May 11, 2011, Nameless Pariah
(126) wrote:
It's very different. Very catchy.
A former member wrote:
i just have to say i like it!!
On Wednesday, March 31, 2010, MercyRain
(105) wrote:
yeah, this is cute... sounds like it could be a fun song to sing too... tho the message is true
On Wednesday, March 31, 2010, Rowan
(197) wrote:
hehehe this was cute. I'm not chinese but I'm a red haired girl from the south. lol. Nice write, very funny.
On Friday, March 26, 2010, Myzeray
(16) wrote:
OMG! That's AWESOME! *Points to the story "Black Market" on Winter Born's page.* Cuz, yeah. That's my original Character Myzeray! I'm holding out for one of those too! I love it! Favin' this one! Good write
On Sunday, December 7, 2008, carlosjackal
(2787) wrote:
Fabulous..I can't think of anymore words right now because this simply, is just so...Fabulous :) -Carl
On Saturday, June 27, 2009, carlosjackal
(2787) wrote:
Still loving this one :) -Carl
On Wednesday, December 12, 2007, Argentum
(10) wrote:
I love this... makes you think about your own preferences for people... well done.
A former member wrote:
Still one of my favorites, after all these years.
On Wednesday, May 10, 2006, Dei
(663) wrote:
hm.. im a red headed irish/italian born in missouri, raised in arkansas and i eat a lo of chineese.... close?
A former member wrote:
Real Cool :P Im a red head but afraid Im not Chinese , nor with southern drawl . hehe
On Saturday, October 29, 2005, the dried flower
(67) wrote:
On Sunday, May 1, 2005, blue
(1409) wrote:
:) HA! I Loved it!! I too am looking for a red haired chinese girl, but NOT with the southern drawl! :):) Thank you, ~b
A former member wrote:
what? no southern draaawlllllll?
A former member wrote:
*smiles* this was cute and clever TS I enjoyed it much!
A former member wrote:
i hope all works out for you! best of luck with your search ;)
On Saturday, May 15, 2004, aXe FactoR
(333) wrote:
this really cracked me up...! awesome write! :)
On Saturday, June 5, 2004, aXe FactoR
(333) wrote:
btw... lols... i used to have dyed bright red hair that i dyed black now & i also happen to be a chinese who scored an A for english & C for chinese. lols... i happened 2 read this again 2day. i still find it awesome. :) -MeL-
On Sunday, March 21, 2004, sulkylime
(191) wrote:
i love this! heehee cute poem. you sound confident here.. are you still looking for this girl?
On Tuesday, February 3, 2004, Silver Spectre
(95) wrote:
I love this write.... light hearted and creative........... thanks Silver
A former member wrote:
I remember this from the old dp when it first came out... loved it then, loved it now. One day you will find her man...
A former member wrote:
we actually have a girl like that in our battalion.. she's japanese and from montana.. and has a total texas accent.. hilarious
On Sunday, May 11, 2003, Aurora_Light
(472) wrote:
high demands but then if u don't have such w/ love then way love at all
On Thursday, March 20, 2003, Jonas
(715) wrote:
patiently patiently (maybe achingly) waiting for that 'perfect girl'(reference to fifth element) that you know one day will show her face... or will she. damn.
On Thursday, February 20, 2003, liquid_emotion
(323) wrote:
*hysterical laughter*