In the Meter of Her Life
By Alchemist
All in the golden glow of in-bloom
A sparkle of her Daddy's eye
From seed to womb, to grow and to groom
A little hand to hold and guide
With a heart woven on life's great loom
I leave no thread of love aside
Ah, cruel world set out to devour
A precious girl's innocent smiles
Know the father stands guard not by hours
Until she can tread stormy miles
But never alone in those showers
With her father's wisdom pure of guile
Goals and gold along the path of growth
I lead you but I let you choose
Love and heartache both a crafty sleuth
Mindful, heartfelt, hopeful, my 'lil muse
Life's mix a sweet or dry vermouth
To drink up life on this beloved cruise
Little mermaids and princesses frozen in time
A sing-along dancing in the stars
Oh, how I feel knowing the memories are mine
A locket in my mind holds times of nears and fars
If you could see my thoughts wrote on signs
My love for her, the sense that never felt a scar
Backyard and playground wanderings, falls and success
Strolls to the creek and summer dreams, so much to see
The verse and chorus, a song to bless
Her giggle something that means everything to me
Simple things relieves the mind of stress
Her beauty a cherub to my tree
And what a simpleton mage I was
To think I have not been so greatly taught by her
A laughable offense in manhood’s fuzz
I can't imagine adulthood, a childish blur
Without the boat the lighthouse wouldn't buzz
A guiding light a better gift than gold and myrrh
Emma, my child a man you made
And me a father, I was less before
Yes, we all know memories fade
Please, never let me lose a moment more
Emotions, Shangri-la's arcade
A Dad's love, a quaint and enchanting lore
(This is a Father's Day poem I wrote to my daughter.
I wrote it with a few meter changes in each stanza not just paired couplets
but in the first 3 stanzas its in 8-9 meter representing the age of 17,
the last real year you're a child, the next 3 stanzas are written in 9-12
meter representing the age of 21, the first real year in my eyes you are
an adult and for the very last stanza I wrote in 8-10 meter which is her
birth date (August 2010). Like I said before I didn't use meter couplets
all the time some times I changed it up but I still keep it in a pattern
through out much like life.)
Author's Note:
For my DaughterAwards
Comments on "In the Meter of Her Life"
A former member wrote:
This made me sob. So so beautiful. Your love for your daughter floods each stanza. Your discriptions are so beautiful and paint the picture easily placing the reader in a position to see through your eyes somewhat. ''Tis a masterpiece and I'm so glad I read it!
On Thursday, January 19, 2017, Jerry stiles
(235) wrote:
Great poem,,really nice and made me see the life,,
On Friday, July 25, 2014, LOKI
(161) wrote:
Being a father myself I relate to this well.It gave me chills to read it.A fathers love is a fathers love.You expressed that better than Ive been able to when I have tried.I might have to fav this one
A former member wrote:
:.)...i had this book that i was gonna write a poem a year, each year, in for my daughter...and all that's in there is a handful of poems, a haiku and a badly-done, confounding sestina. i wish i could have looked back and seen something like this in her annals. My god, man, you are the epitome of what father was meant to mean. i can't imagine growing up and looking back on a poem like this and knowing that my father had loved me that much. This is the most eloquent poetry, timeless. A classic. Were all fathers in the world as you there would be no war, no hunger, no hatred. *sigh*
On Tuesday, May 27, 2014, The_Broken_Fox_2112
(70) wrote:
This is so very pretty. The meter is significant all through the ins and outs and really adds a sense of magic that is hidden yet so tangible. My father was my pride and my foundation for most of my life, my mom never being in the picture. It is little moments like these that make me remember the times past we had, the times that we watched each other grow. Thank you for this tribute. Love light and happiness~