
By Malice In Wonderland

the bell tolls
for the count


busted and broken
she smiles
that (now) toothless bloody grin

she drags herself up
for round three
or is it five?
she lost count again
spitting on the floor
the endless grey

she staggers
across the mat
to her opponent
and swings her best
vainly hoping for contact

the switchblade storm
of blows
bruised lips
and ashen cheeks

the void
and cold

but she narrows her eyes
blackened and swollen
and swings
once more
stubborn like a redwood
in the hurricane
standing stoic
the turmoil

she's losing
her breath
as leadened fists
find her abdomen

and she's falling
at her dignity
like fireflies
on a moonlight night

but missing terribly
she fa[il]ls

slumping back
in misery
she accepets defeat
and smiles
that toothless grin again

head hung
she waits
for the final blow

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Copyright 2013 Rain In The Willows
Published on Friday, February 22, 2013.     Filed under: "Depressed" and "Poetry"
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Comments on "K.O."

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  • Purposelessness On Wednesday, February 1, 2017, Purposelessness (143)By person wrote:

    Very well written. I'm not sure why (and it's a little disturbing) I really enjoy reading (and writing) poems of this style and content. This one gave me physical shivers.

  • BetaWolfinVA On Tuesday, September 2, 2014, BetaWolfinVA (791)By person wrote:

    keep on fighting, you will get to the other side of it :) Scholar

  • FadedBlues On Saturday, February 23, 2013, FadedBlues (2097)By person wrote:

    ...your poem is punishing, & exacts its toll on the beater as well as the beaten. it's a monument to eternal struggles...

  • Vulture On Saturday, February 23, 2013, Vulture (52)By person wrote:

    we always seem to loose teeth to things we never thought about as kids. I used to lose them while eating apples and now its to a pole or someones fist. they're gone but it's weird how differently they can go. (in case you can't tell I'm horrified)

  • Star On Saturday, February 23, 2013, Star (879)By person wrote:

    fuckin' amazing... this is all (:

  • Ravenblade On Friday, February 22, 2013, Ravenblade (307)By person wrote:

    Damn lady...this was amazing...standing stoic amidst the turmoil...that just K.O'd me

  • A former member wrote: losing at boxing is the worst i've done it before and could feel every bit of pain in it

  • Devilish On Friday, February 22, 2013, Devilish (2634)By person wrote:

    I can't breathe the worthy response this deserves in raw candor expression rhythm verse rhyme delivery and word circles describing the brutal truth . my god i fucking bow to you rain. you are a queen poetess Scholar

  • A former member wrote: My mind blurred an image that came across my mind as I read. At first I saw a boxing Arena, & frankly that idea still stuck. That particular image stayed, but my mind took on the thoughts of fighting for her life (in the world today). I guess either way though everyone's fighting to just keep their head above water. ...... Anyway, nice write, the share was much appreciated..... Scholar

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