Night and her secrets.
By Morgoth
The dark sky cloud-ridden with the blankets
of empyrean darkness,
covering all in their cowl of isolation.
All sleeps, all is dead... the entirety of the world open and free to explore.
Mistress Night opens her arms, embracing the truth seeker,
the keeper of secrets,
holding all the knowledge of Paimon.
Traversing the great unknown, pursuing hidden knowledge, uncovering gems
of buried beauty.
Everything is silent, secreted away... only desiring to be seen and waiting
to be found.
A journey... no a quest for those who are bold and dare, dare to be unbound.
A dance of the most private kind... one ancient, serene. A dance with
Night and her secrets.
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Copyright 2014 Morgoth
Published on Saturday, February 1, 2014.
Filed under:
Author's Note:
Went exploring at the behest of a dear one and here's how I felt :)Comments on "Night and her secrets."
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On Saturday, February 1, 2014, Malice In Wonderland
(976) wrote:
the world becomes an entirely different place in the dark, this is lovely.