
My name is Taylor, a lot of you call me R-K-W for short. :)
Last time I was here, on this site, I was 39 weeks pregnant and had been clean for just over a year I think. I'm now 21, the mother of two beautiful girls, and I have been clean for almost 3 years. Not just from cutting but from booze, pills, and whatever else plauged my mind back then.

I still have my bad days, and they make me want to go back to my old way of life but I just look at my girls and I'm okay

Razor-kissed-wrists's Works

Poetry (Depressed)2010-01-26Scarlet Addiction
Poetry (Tribute)2010-01-26A teacher who cared
Poetry (Personal)2010-07-20This insanity ward
Poetry (Personal)2011-10-12Her name is Tiffany
Other (Tribute)2011-11-18Thanks "mom"
Poetry (Depressed)2011-11-26"She's no longer breathing"
Poetry 2011-11-26Jack Daniels and I.
Poetry (Personal)2012-02-26Whole again
Poetry 2012-04-04Through the corpse
Poetry (Personal)2013-06-02I am fucking crazy, but I am free
Other (Love)2013-06-02Dev, you rock.
Poetry (Fantasy)2013-06-28Underland
Poetry (Depressed)2013-07-29The difference between you and people like me
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