Let My Chasms Say

By Poetic-Realm

Let My Chasms Say

Nothing comes easily
and no one can tell you
how it is.

No one can explain
how much time
all of this takes.

What living
can make of the dead,
and what dying
can make of life.

You'll be lonely
and horny;
and those who care
of your loneliness
will not ease your body.
And those who
will ease your body
will not care
for your loneliness.

You will become a shell.
An infinite void of poetic
living, but only
if you so choose to.

The easiest way
is to not realize
that its painful,
and the realistic way
is not easy.
Nothing that is worth arriving
comes easily.

So take your autistic child,
brother, sister, cousin,
and know them
and their road.

Take your coworkers,
bosses, colleagues,
and saints,
and relinquish
distinctions of personality.

Every mind
is the mind.
Every thought
us the only thing
that makes us what we are.

Cut your skin
with thin blades
to ease the torment.
Stack scar upon scar
and then wake up
knowing that there
is no turning back now.

Your poetic soul is screaming,
and you are aware of the mystery.

What does it take to live?

I once learned, that there are
only two kinds of courage.
The courage to live
and the courage to die.
What strength guides you?

My chasms
of blackened depth
have not much more to say
but all the more
to feel.

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Copyright 2013 Poetic-Realm
Published on Tuesday, May 14, 2013.     Filed under: "Graphic Art"
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Comments on "Let My Chasms Say"

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  • sheff On Friday, November 13, 2020, sheff (137)By person wrote:


  • A former member wrote: Late comment but I'm new to the site - The two courage thought rang so true. Gem of words

  • Malice In Wonderland On Sunday, February 23, 2014, Malice In Wonderland (983)By person wrote:

    I needed to see this so badly right now....needed the words like a junkie needs a fix, Thank you, Zach. this is still my all time favorite work if yours. Scholar

  • A former member wrote: I love it!! Those stanzas and the picture...perfect... Scholar

  • A former member wrote: You know what's crazy about this? If I know you at all, you were probably all "meh...this is okay, not my best, but I'll post it anyway"...sometimes those are the works that people can relate to & end up cherishing, & it becomes your most popular work to date, & I can see why. Keep those chasms talking, Zachamachanalia. People need to hear them speak. Thanks for the words & the window into your life, my good man. Kudos. Scholar

  • A former member wrote: i revoke everything i've said to you until now. No one can tell you where to walk, and you walk it beautifully, and brutally, on your own. From here on i shall give you what you are. Space, freedom and the respect to speak it out. Keep talking, maybe i'll learn something, yes? Scholar

  • Stephanie Sideways On Wednesday, May 15, 2013, Stephanie Sideways (276)By person wrote:

    Truly a wonderful poem. It has a life of its own, that breaths, almost separate from you, while you feel. Accepting that there is a place for pain and suffering ........... You touch on this and much more. It is a poem that I will definitely read again.

  • FadedBlues On Tuesday, May 14, 2013, FadedBlues (2154)By person wrote:

    ...your road is long & brutal & your sky is dark. how many travel the same road under the same sky? there is nothing else to listen for, your chasms have spoken...

  • King_Crazy_Dave On Tuesday, May 14, 2013, King_Crazy_Dave (45)By person wrote:

    all i gotta say is we should collab soon, and sometimes the path you learn due to a broken leg will serve best once the bone has healed.

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