Strong, Really?

By SilentStalker

Everyone wants to talk about how good I here, have a look:

I sent this to the webmaster the other day.

SilentStalker Wrote:

Sorry to bother you with this, but, since you're the one who thought up the Elders program and all, I'm pretty sure this would be close to music to your ears.

I dare say you've done just as good, if not better, a job than you hoped you had. Reason being, many of the members here share a bond that's almost impossible to break, and it only recently became apparent to me just how strong that was.

Case in Point:

Over this last three week period, your Elder here experienced about four nice emotional breakdowns, obviously from learning to love someone after just hating for so long. I was actually at a point where I was dangerously close to telling you to remove me from every list you had put me on, because I had sworn I had broken myself beyond repair. I almost lost count of the members that rushed to, in my own analogy, rebuild a pillar that had fallen. And these'd never believe. Or maybe you would, since you created this site in the first place. I can tell you that I've never seen this many ever try to help before, let alone so many succeed.

I'd go further into detail, but I'm sure you've heard some of it all before. Just know that I'm standing yet again due to a few on here that I put my complete faith into, and they did not fail me. So, in repayment, I've promised to not fail them in my position(s) here. It's all I can do.

I could list the names of Elders in training you have, but I'm guessing you'd be able to figure it out soon enough, considering you chose the initial group.

That's all for now. I just figured you'd like to know how the little "kingdom" isn't letting any pieces stay fallen.

So, that being said, If I were so damned good...where the hell would I be without all of you that support me?

Thank you, and goodnight.

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© 2006 Darun Ferguson
Published on Monday, May 15, 2006.     Filed under: "Personal" and "Rant"
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Comments on "Strong, Really?"

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  • Malice In Wonderland On Friday, August 26, 2011, Malice In Wonderland (976)By person wrote:

    You always have people here... =) Scholar

  • Kinkypoptart On Tuesday, May 16, 2006, Kinkypoptart (555)By person wrote:

    I love you like a brother, Darun. It'll always stay that way and im always here for ya. Nomatter what. :) Besides... where would i be if i had no window by which to stand? haha... ~*~tart~*~

  • NikesRain On Monday, May 15, 2006, NikesRain (1240)By person wrote:

    there's a law of return, you give so much to so many it's only right that you should have the same support when you need.... dp could not do without you...

  • vaultgrl On Monday, May 15, 2006, vaultgrl (185)By person wrote: wouldn't have been rebuilt....had you not built others up first....not many of us have been unfortunate enough to miss out on your're always there when we need you, and it's important that we try to do the same....i doubt my feeble at

  • vaultgrl On Monday, May 15, 2006, vaultgrl (185)By person wrote:

    *feeble attempts had anything to do with your rebuilding....but i know you've helped me, if only by listening to me all love you.....and couldn't support you without the support you so kindly, lovingly, and generously handed out to us fir

  • vaultgrl On Monday, May 15, 2006, vaultgrl (185)By person wrote:


  • sIo On Monday, May 15, 2006, sIo (900)By person wrote:

    those are some really lucky friends of yours. and you're lucky to have them. there are some amazing people here who have helped with so much. i wish i coulda been one of em heh.

  • SilentStalker On Monday, May 15, 2006, SilentStalker (1047)By person wrote: were the first one...what were you thinking...? Scholar

  • SilentStalker On Monday, May 15, 2006, SilentStalker (1047)By person wrote:

    ...seriously telling me you forgotthe whole convo on true friends and stuff...? no, I know you didn't... Scholar

  • sIo On Monday, May 15, 2006, sIo (900)By person wrote:

    nah, i didn't do anything. it was all you.

  • Sin On Monday, May 15, 2006, Sin (1136)By person wrote:

    your beauty and big heart never fails to shine... :)

  • Dissolving Poet On Monday, May 15, 2006, Dissolving Poet (560)By person wrote:

    This was just beautiful and full of nice emotions. Honesty bore in this and it was just emotional.... And of course people are going to help you dear^.^ you are loved and respected and we look after you as you do us^.^

  • veingo On Monday, May 15, 2006, veingo (527)By person wrote:

    Yea. I don't know what to say, but I know what you mean. ^V^

  • Dei On Monday, May 15, 2006, Dei (663)By person wrote:

    *hugs Darun*

  • Six-Out On Monday, May 15, 2006, Six-Out (1423)By person wrote:

    So, you're totally talking about me. Just let everyone know, so I can get my blowjob already.

  • Musik2MyEyes On Sunday, February 21, 2010, Musik2MyEyes (192)By person wrote:

    Your humor makes me want to

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