
molock's picture
i like cheese and other things, i saw something once was interesting

molock's Works

Poetry (Political)2015-07-10gospel of molock
Poetry (Abuse)0000-00-00a pound of flesh
Poetry (Love)2016-04-08dangerous liaison
Poetry (Depressed)0000-00-00my co-dependent
Lyrics (Political)0000-00-00sacred ground
Graphic Art 2016-11-05i just rocked my baby to sleep
Lyrics (Abuse)0000-00-006 strange days
Graphic Art 2016-11-19sideways mo
Poetry (Abuse)0000-00-00Anvil
Lyrics (Love)0000-00-00love has fallen
Poetry (Reflective)2016-12-26ax to grind
Lyrics 2016-12-28Bandolero ( a tribute to Phill Lynott / Thin Lizzy )
Poetry 2017-01-02the gray
Poetry (Love)2017-01-04gypsy
Poetry (Reflective)2017-01-05foot in the grave
Lyrics (Abuse)2017-01-05two bottles down
Lyrics (Love)2017-01-08lord have mercy
Poetry (Abuse)2017-01-11silver spoon roses and whiskey
Poetry (Spiritual)2017-01-15Casa de lobos
Poetry (Reflective)2017-01-16Ax to grind extended version
Poetry (Abuse)2017-01-17White girl seduction
Poetry (Horror)2017-01-17Splinter
Poetry (Love)2017-01-19Cumbersome disguise
Lyrics (Spiritual)2017-03-05Last call for Memphis
Poetry (Love)2017-03-15why me?
Lyrics (Tribute)2017-03-18seein' double (a tribute to the real slim shady)
Poetry (Love)2017-04-13i guess this is goodbye
Poetry 2017-05-16M00n matrix
Graphic Art 2017-05-17sabotage
Poetry (Love)2017-05-22stars fell like rain
Graphic Art 2017-05-23Babylon sister
Graphic Art (Spiritual)2017-05-24Revelation 12 - coming to the heavens near you
Poetry (Abuse)2017-05-25A crooked mile
Graphic Art (Love)2017-05-28Bed of roses
Poetry (Love)2017-05-30Shallow water
Lyrics (Fiction)2017-06-03A point above zero
Graphic Art 2017-11-10The Broken Day
Graphic Art (Tribute)2017-11-12My shadow walks ( a tribute to - Tool )
Poetry (Reflective)2017-11-18shadow flag
Graphic Art (Love)2017-11-19Killin' the memories of you
Lyrics (Love)2017-11-22Losin' you
Lyrics (Love)2017-11-27will you
Poetry (Love)2017-11-28Wishing Well
Poetry (Comedy)2018-01-19Nimrods baby
Poetry 2018-01-21vague description
Graphic Art 2018-01-22Evening the fall of day
Poetry 2018-02-07A unicorn named Gazpacho
Poetry (Reflective)2018-03-30Apple in Decay (Dedicated to the fallen ones)
Poetry 2018-08-23Paper Moons
Poetry 2020-03-28Social Distancing
Poetry (Love)2020-05-13Fighting like Hell
Graphic Art (Love)2024-03-02Blame it on the Moon (Inspired by the work of:Drea)
Poetry 2024-03-07AsteroidHorse
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