The Finite Grace of Sunset
By lupus tenebrae
Leaves grasp at sunset
'til its finite grace runs dry,
giving way to dusk.
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Copyright 2014 lupus tenebrae
Author's Note:
Just some quiet reflection at sunset, nothing special.Comments on "The Finite Grace of Sunset"
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A former member wrote:
beautiful moment grasped! thankfully the spigot of the sun's grace runs freely each day again... though if the leaves burned they would create their own graceless light. but self-sacrifice is not worth the temporary loss.
On Friday, August 8, 2014, carlosjackal
(2787) wrote:
Congratulations! Wicked haiku :)
On Thursday, August 7, 2014, soul_versing
(774) wrote:
I smiled while reading this, it's truly great. The cycle lives on. Congratulations♥
On Thursday, August 7, 2014, blue angel
(866) wrote:
Congrats!! It's a lovely moment captured. :)
On Wednesday, July 23, 2014, TropicalSnowstorm
(1580) wrote:
I disagree, this was something very special. Classy piece with beautiful imagery, as always. Ciao, T/S
A former member wrote:
I don't know much about the Haiku format, but I do know about a good sunset, this is beautiful. thanks for sharing