When God Isn't Watching.

By Echoes of Orpheus

I caress an angel;

An angel who calls herself mine.

It feels something like sin...
Too good to be free.
But it is,
and I can almost feel
those wings wrapped around me
holding me with her.

Have you ever tasted heaven?
kissed a cloud during your stay?

The dew still rests upon your lips
and there is no resisting you.

There is no restraint
in giving myself to you
in any and every form.

There's something about being with you
that makes every connection feel
just as perfect
just as pleasurable.

Some nights
I think I could make love to you
just for that feeling after it
holding you in my arms
and our eyes making love instead.

I love you Marcia.

If ever something was worthy of worship...
baby it's you.

I remember the the first time I met you
and how I hoped God couldn't see
the way I looked at you.

I broke the first commandment
into thousands of pieces
the moment I laid eyes on you,
my goddess.

For the rest of my life,
I will hold you like God isn't watching;

in such a way that you'll know
I love you most.

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© 2009 Echoes of Orpheus
Published on Sunday, January 18, 2009.     Filed under: "Love" and "Poetry"
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Comments on "When God Isn't Watching."

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  • A former member wrote: If someone wrote this for me, i'd cry. hahah greatttt work!

  • Leith Plunkett On Saturday, February 14, 2009, Leith Plunkett (237)By person wrote:

    (Some nights I think I could make love to you just for that feeling after it) You have captured what it is all about even in these lines let alone the whole poem. Beautiful

  • disposable On Wednesday, January 28, 2009, disposable (103)By person wrote:

    this wonderful work is in no way dark poetry. i believe it is here just to make me jealous of marcia. nice work but i have to roll my eyes and say...marcia! marcia! marcia! ;0) write on...

  • Ashteroth On Thursday, January 22, 2009, Ashteroth (190)By person wrote:

    I love the fact your love poems aren't tacky, you guys are a breath of fresh air, to see such romance outside a book gives us all hope. I pray God doesn't get jealous and blesses you with lots of cute little babies one day. ~Ash

  • mysterylove On Monday, January 19, 2009, mysterylove (97)By person wrote:


  • Sketso On Monday, January 19, 2009, Sketso (419)By person wrote:

    I just have to say... "Love love kiss kiss, blah blah blah", but only in the joking sense. We the readers can see where your inspiration comes from, and it flows through your writes in strength.

  • A former member wrote: you stole a beating of my heart with every word of this. this... IS... what LOVE truly IS. and your writings are the light that shines out from it so beautiful. I ache to feel this for and from someone ... forever with him only...I am so glad you and Mars have found this within each other.~Rain

  • palenoble On Sunday, January 18, 2009, palenoble (46)By person wrote:

    I wish I were able to write something so resplendent for my lady, but every time I try, words fail me, I am suddenly devoid of thoughts, metaphores and paraphrases. I know she more than deserves the poem of poems, but I just can't. It feels nothing I could ever come up with would be good enough. You achieved that seemingly effortlessly, bravo!

  • Echoes of Orpheus On Sunday, January 18, 2009, Echoes of Orpheus (357)By person wrote:

    These words don't measure to a tenth of how I feel for her. No matter what our abilities in writing it just seems an unwritten rule that a dedication will never be good enough in the eyes of the author. But thank you for the compliment and best of luck to you in writing for you love; it's their opinion that matters most anyways.

  • A former member wrote: Such conviction... Good God. This is extraordinary.

  • Echoes of Orpheus On Sunday, January 18, 2009, Echoes of Orpheus (357)By person wrote:

    Always glad to see some people getting enjoyment out of my writings for her, this is why I'm still here. And a comment from you, always taken well, thank you.

  • Echoes of Orpheus On Sunday, January 18, 2009, Echoes of Orpheus (357)By person wrote:

    I love you too baby, glad you liked it Mars :)

  • Mars On Sunday, January 18, 2009, Mars (323)By person wrote:

    i love it!!!!! Scholar

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