country has a cadence, all its own
By BetaWolfinVA
country has a cadence,
. all its own
grabbing into your heart,
. spins you round
wishing that i had you,
. in my arms
that we were dancing
. slow dance close
holding to a whisper
. in my dreams
that it gets better than
. this loneliness
some day to have children
. of my own
will not give up that for
. fostering
celibacy spiked with
. brief bouts of
monogamy gives me
. such great pain
why am i so needy
. strong women
set me aflame and make
. me need two
poly in the shape of
. double-u
why should men alone have
. all the fun
most of us are working
. one at home
raising our children and
. school online