Pearl projector eyes

By King_Crazy_Dave

flicker eyes like film shows
or slides flow on
your graybluegreen
iris screen
life plays back
the depth of the setting
oceanic atlantic size
and I peer in
to the splashing years
soaked in time

The star actress
starting clean, pretty
is tumbled and swept
twenty waves, each
washing naivety
til she is a bare tousled beauty
shaped in undertow
a pearl of wisdom

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Copyright 2012 clickpopsnap
Published on Wednesday, April 11, 2012.     Filed under: "Poetry"
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Comments on "Pearl projector eyes"

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  • carlosjackal On Thursday, October 13, 2016, carlosjackal (2787)By person wrote:

    Just stupendous wordsmithery.

  • BetaWolfinVA On Thursday, November 1, 2012, BetaWolfinVA (791)By person wrote:

    I love the way you worded this :) Scholar

  • Star On Sunday, October 14, 2012, Star (879)By person wrote:

    utterly beautiful, and the title drew me in, wonderful on all standards.. well written (:

  • A former member wrote: It's like you held my attention captive and made it your own indirectly through poetry.

  • Cassette On Tuesday, September 11, 2012, Cassette (1087)By person wrote:

    This is one of my favorite poems I have ever read. I read it more often than you know; and I read it when I have terrible days. ...bare tousled beauty... you have such a way with words.

  • Cassette On Wednesday, December 6, 2017, Cassette (1087)By person wrote:

    this is still true....

  • A former member wrote: Fucking breathtaking. Don't think I could ever match you in use of words, Dave. This was fucking amazing. (:

  • Dreaming in Stanzas On Thursday, August 30, 2012, Dreaming in Stanzas (293)By person wrote:

    Oh have I not commented on every poem of yours? My mistake...I think the beauty of this poem can be summed up by this "she is a bare tousled beauty shaped in undertow". Gorgeous.

  • Alchemist On Thursday, July 12, 2012, Alchemist (679)By person wrote:

    Splashing years soaked in time is a very provocative line. Thanks for the write.

  • Railway_Butterfly On Sunday, May 6, 2012, Railway_Butterfly (353)By person wrote:

    I feel like every word connected to and complimented every other one so perfectly.. but the way you often structure and punctuate your pieces always leaves me in two minds. With this, I feel like it becomes this tumbling wave of words and images that kind of overrun eachother as I read them, because they all fit together so well.. but then it's all over so quickly and I feel like I don't quite know what i've read.. so I go back, read it again, the same thing happens.. it's quite surreal, kind of frustrating because I want to grasp hold of it, but in a sense it's so clever simply because I can't.. the harder you try to grab for it, the more it slips and the more you just want to be able to seize it.. on the other hand, as a writer I get how restrictive punctuation can feel when you're trying to create something, so I can reason with myself as to where you might be coming from. Though, thinking that really makes me want to hear you read it aloud.

  • Railway_Butterfly On Sunday, May 6, 2012, Railway_Butterfly (353)By person wrote:

    I keep re-reading it to try and mention bits that I really loved, but again - I begin, and it slips through my hands like a wish fish.. it's undeniably beautiful, anyway. And there are plenty more reasons for me enjoying this, that I don't think i'm really equipped to articulate. I hope it doesn't sound wanky, but 'thanks for sharing' anyway. I very much enjoyed the half hour it took for me to read, contemplate and comment on this.

  • The_Broken_Fox_2112 On Thursday, May 3, 2012, The_Broken_Fox_2112 (70)By person wrote:

    The projector eyes really sold me. This is just absolutely wonderfully written! Thank you for posting!

  • lupus tenebrae On Saturday, April 28, 2012, lupus tenebrae (860)By person wrote:

    I agree, wonderful juxtaposition, very visible imagery, all of the luster of a pearl, and not a speck of sediment to ruin its gleam. Well penned indeed. Scholar

  • A former member wrote: Imagery is very nice, a pearl of wisdom I really like that...good write :) Scholar

  • dwells On Saturday, April 14, 2012, dwells (4177)By person wrote:

    Only the oyster knows for sure perhaps. Good to have a brief chat the other night, cheers! Your talents are a great addition to our dark and serious domain.

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