Summer Tableau
By lupus tenebrae
Summer is golden,
true blue, marbleized
in sky indigo.
in greenery
where words make soil,
and I grow safely.
In country meadows,
I often daydream
that amber granules
are pure ivory,
and they do whisper
such sweet poetry.
Such poetry sings
to sad sapling youth
in pan flute piping,
ocarina tones,
and ceramic flames
which become her eyes.
Yet it’s a slow burn,
where, I have some time
to thank
the candles
for toppling down,
in their chance meetings
my tender nerves.
And I, her fledgling,
still gaze, longingly
at reeds that were homes
at some point, before,
and swamp water
floods my very heart.
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Copyright 2012 lupus tenebrae
Author's Note:
I know, you shouldn't be seeing anything new from me, but this is an exception. It's a tribute, a long time coming, for a person I'm sure you're familiar with.Comments on "Summer Tableau"
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A former member wrote:
Excellently wrote and well deserved. I saw all this happening in her eyes, as if they were the screen and the soft, delicate movements hardened the sound. There are secrets in ivory long forgotten. Please don't forget it's still very illegal. Heh.
On Thursday, February 2, 2012, NikesRain
(1240) wrote:
absolutely stunning and heart catching... lovely in both intent, content, thought and very fitting to her
On Thursday, February 2, 2012, dwells
(4177) wrote:
GReat job Wolfie and this was out of season but much needed, cheers and don't be a stranger!