Cancer Soup
By TropicalSnowstorm
The pot simmers
and the ingredients steep.
It is hard to tell
when it will boil over…
but we all know it will.
We try to keep the heat down,
lifting the lid to stir more in.
Half a pain pill in the morning,
then a heart pill and some folic acid,
a little pearl pill for appetite.
Simmer and stir,
add one more pain pill to sleep.
You have to keep
the fluids moving in the pot…
they can’t stir themselves.
It seems futile, no matter
what I add the soup gets thinner.
It is hard to tell
when it will boil over…
but we all know it will.
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Published on Friday, November 30, 2001.
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Comments on "Cancer Soup"
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A former member wrote:
A perfect portrait of a futile situation. This was very well put together, and it leaves me with a feeling of sad resignation. But I guess the one thing you can keep doing is stir the soup, no matter what, just keep stirring.
Where there is life, there is hope. No matter how frail.
On Sunday, March 16, 2008, freudian-slip
(236) wrote:
really hard to read right now, the last part says it all.
On Sunday, March 16, 2008, Reefer_rave
(139) wrote:
amen... the futility of it all
On Monday, July 19, 2004, blackdarkness
(227) wrote:
so true...
On Thursday, April 1, 2004, sulkylime
(191) wrote:
i think this was a wonderful observation.. from what i got out of this, this can go for many things.. we all know it will, still we rely on something as hopeless as hope, or maybe that's just me --
On Monday, June 23, 2003, Stranger
(263) wrote:
"no matter what I add the soup gets thinner" - Perfection.
A former member wrote:
I'll help you stire this tasty stew your brewing. Excellent poem
On Thursday, March 6, 2003, Jonas
(715) wrote:
i lie in an antiseptic bed of my own making feeding myself the psychotropic substance that bear forgetfullness... the mind can only forget so much for so long. excellence.
On Thursday, February 20, 2003, liquid_emotion
(323) wrote:
Hah! Stick your head the microwave, talk on your cell phone, and smoke a fag. It will all be over in the morning!
On Thursday, March 6, 2003, Jonas
(715) wrote:
hmmmm... smoke a fag huh? this could be a few things... a cigarette, a good time, or a hate crime ;-)