on Hot Topic- repost

By KittyStryker

all right
all right

i know
i understand
Hot Topic

i'm getting
of people
insulting it

i have never
at a better store

a store
that makes me feel
who i am
not partially
but completely

to family

a store
that never judged me
for my problems

when i was going through
the withdrawal
of cutting
who was it
that pulled my aside
and helped me through?

not my parents
not my friends

my managers

they took
a bit of time
when i was bawling
in the dressing room
going back
to mutilation
and they make sure
i keep eating
they help me
stay safe
and they try
to make me feel comfortable
to give me
room to grow
they helped me
the person i am

and that's just
as a worker

when i
was young
i shopped at Hot Topic
know why?
was as cheap
as a thrift store
and certainly
a good way
to accessorize
the clothes
i had to make do with
i didn't have time
or energy
to make a studded belt
or make a choker

most of my clothes
are from Hot Topic
and i have
a little bit
of fondness
for the little
nail polished
hair dyed
that traipse in

they will grow
to accept
the extraordinary
the odd

who cares where they buy
their individuality
or even if
they are
they're opening their minds
to something different

when i was
a little mall rat Gothy girl
i always liked
that while every other store
would look at me
like i was a shoplifter
too poor
to afford their
rhinestone tiaras
and khaki shorts
Hot Topic
would make me feel
in my black cape
and my Docs

even now
i can go
to most stores
and be ignored
because of my black eyeliner
and my plaid

and then
there's my Hot Topic
a little
in a whirl of consumerism
i know
when i greet people
i welcome them all


is a luxury
hard to come by
in a retail store
i wonder
how many people
would whine
about there being
to shop
if Hot Topic

i can't be bothered
to buy my spikes

i love my store

so go ahead
and insult
Hot Topic
and the poppy little "punks"
that make their way within

i know
this Goth
is thankful
it's been there

(I love my store. I understand if people think others are losers for buying all their clothes there. Guess that makes me a loser too. But fuck it. I'm proud of my loser status, lol... and I adore working there. This won't be up long- but I just wanted to restate my opinion.)

Unauthorized Copying Is Prohibited. Ask the author first.
Copyright 2003 Bast
Published on Tuesday, December 9, 2003.     Filed under: "Poetry"
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Comments on "on Hot Topic- repost"

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  • A former member wrote: I havnt went in side a hot topic in years but, I admire your individualism.

  • A former member wrote: i like this. i was always told that because i shop there im one certain way even when i knew i wasnt

  • Narcissa On Wednesday, October 3, 2007, Narcissa (397)By person wrote:

    Sorry typo "bye"

  • Narcissa On Wednesday, October 3, 2007, Narcissa (397)By person wrote:

    Ok - So this is putting my age out here but... I wish there was one when I was in school!! I love the shit in there. I had to by my concert tees at the concert or at a guitar shop. Be who you are! Fuck the rest!

  • Winter Born On Wednesday, October 3, 2007, Winter Born (169)By person wrote:

    I would never bag on such an amazing and accepting place. I do however bag on all the wanna-be's that go there only to laugh and point at us.

  • Winter Born On Wednesday, October 3, 2007, Winter Born (169)By person wrote:

    and by wanna-be's, I mean all the spiteful things that wanna-be human, wanna-be themselves, wanna-be us.

  • Swift On Thursday, March 15, 2007, Swift (35)By person wrote:

    I love this

  • lajeeves On Monday, February 12, 2007, lajeeves (46)By person wrote:

    point well taken!!!

  • A former member wrote: Hot Topic is the coolest store in the world. Yea just because i shop at hot topic doesnt mean i need a label like goth or punk.

  • A former member wrote: omg that's so true Hot Topic rocks it's my favorite store i lve the people that work there and i love their clothes it's a store for people who wanna be theirselves--Codi

  • MyScarsStillBleed On Saturday, December 18, 2004, MyScarsStillBleed (16)By person wrote:

    Hot Topic I love you however I do hate labels, though it's hard to label someone who wears 5 different styles in five different days-"Goth" "Punk" "Hippie" "Bum" "Skater" somethimes even "Prep"-it is amusing to watch them try though

  • BeautifulCalamity On Sunday, November 14, 2004, BeautifulCalamity (428)By person wrote:

    --should try harder to be themselves, and half of the people that work at hot topic are some really nice unique people that i wouldnt mind hanging out with.anyways.. enough of my lecture, liked the way you worded this.. nicely done.. hehe.

  • BeautifulCalamity On Sunday, November 14, 2004, BeautifulCalamity (428)By person wrote:

    --not really in anything for the music or the true scene, its all for image. i like hot topic, i buy most of my shirts there.. and pants i just get cheap ass jeans.. the way i look dosent matter when compared to the person i am, and ya.. I think everyone

  • BeautifulCalamity On Sunday, November 14, 2004, BeautifulCalamity (428)By person wrote:

    alright, i used to have a big opinion on this at one point, but now i dont have much of one. just that people can shop wherever they want and they'll still be as unique. if they are worried about looking like posers for shopping at hot topic then they are

  • Malice In Wonderland On Saturday, November 13, 2004, Malice In Wonderland (983)By person wrote:

    Hey, I LIKE Hot Topic...it's the only store AROUND here with clothes that aren't the same old bullshit, but if I like the clothes(which I do) I'm waering them...and it's easier than shopping online, I can try shit on right then and know it'll fit,etc Kya Scholar

  • Alanarchy On Wednesday, May 5, 2004, Alanarchy (1169)By person wrote:

    Bargggghhh!!! No hot-topic, No band-shirts. And that's all I wear. I can't afford to by my T-shirts out of a magazine. And I would look pretty dumb wearing a plain white Shirt with "Tool" scribbled down the front in magic marker.

  • Drea On Wednesday, May 5, 2004, Drea (1409)By person wrote:

    *looks at her white shirt with TOOL scribbled down in marker, in the mirror* Mike, are you trying to tell me I look dumb????

  • Angel With The Scabbed Wings On Wednesday, May 5, 2004, Angel With The Scabbed Wings (40)By person wrote:

    Hot topic is a tough one, its a great store and it atracts alot of great people, even all thouse people that refuse to shop there often fantisize about everything they are missing.

  • Angel With The Scabbed Wings On Wednesday, May 5, 2004, Angel With The Scabbed Wings (40)By person wrote:

    its just seems stange that anyone can turn into the sterotypical depressed teenager with one stop in the mall. It just seems that hot topic is abused way too much

  • Angel With The Scabbed Wings On Wednesday, May 5, 2004, Angel With The Scabbed Wings (40)By person wrote:

    dont get me wrong its a great place and alot of people realyl need help and everything it just is a strange place adn too many people bag on it before they think at all

  • gracefullytorn On Friday, April 2, 2004, gracefullytorn (61)By person wrote:

    i dont kno about u but my experiences at hot topic have been bad. i get exactly the opposite of what u said. people stalk me like im gonna steal something. the only i ever bought there was a bracelet. i dont like supporting big companies either so i rarel

  • gracefullytorn On Friday, April 2, 2004, gracefullytorn (61)By person wrote:

    i dont kno about u but my experiences at hot topic have been bad. i get exactly the opposite of what u said. people stalk me like im gonna steal something. the only i ever bought there was a bracelet. i dont like supporting big companies either so i rarel

  • A former member wrote: wow, This got a few people worked up, I love the store, And I dont exactly classify hot-topic as goth either, but that is still my number one store, And I dare not put Hot Topic down, I murder the soul of the person who does

  • A former member wrote: Agrees with epoch. Labels are a devastating disease. I know I hate being called any name besides my own. Not "kid" not "goth" not "skater", nothing makes me happier than when someone calls me Sir if they do not know me, and Matt if they do. +T.P.U+

  • Daemonicus On Sunday, March 7, 2004, Daemonicus (516)By person wrote:

    buh! labels! use em, dont use em, do what you want! humans label shit into groups, its how our minds work. there will never not be labels my friends! but there *will* one day be open minds. now... enough of this debate of comment pollution!!

  • stormtalk On Tuesday, January 20, 2004, stormtalk (728)By person wrote:

    I don't believe in labels, and I agree that people should be able to shop where they want... but this applies to you calling yourself "Goth," too. I think it's silly and pointless... instead of saying "I'm a Goth," howabout "I'm me"?

  • stormtalk On Tuesday, January 20, 2004, stormtalk (728)By person wrote:

    I think social classifications like "Goth" and "punk" present a lot of problems... first of all, by giving yourself that title, you're cramming yourself into a stereotype. You're also cutting your own style short by giving yourself borders.

  • stormtalk On Tuesday, January 20, 2004, stormtalk (728)By person wrote:

    Don't get me wrong, I like this poem a lot and I'm glad you wrote it - I know it's an important topic for a lot of people here, and I think you presented the stronger argument.

  • stormtalk On Tuesday, January 20, 2004, stormtalk (728)By person wrote:

    But what fuels the other side of the argument is exactly what you're doing - labeling yourself and other people.

  • Bluegirl On Friday, January 9, 2004, Bluegirl (177)By person wrote:

    this makes a better rant than a poem.

  • Raze Drake On Wednesday, December 10, 2003, Raze Drake (85)By person wrote:

    I won't be the last to say, Hot Topic is the shit. I rather have my dark, baggy punk pants, and my sub-goth shirts, laced with 15lbs of metals, than shop at Walmart, where I pay $75 for a cheap pair of pants. Fuck people who hate you for what you want.

  • Stranger On Wednesday, December 10, 2003, Stranger (263)By person wrote:

    It is strange, sometimes, the places that can become our homes and the people that we end up calling family. BTW, my daughter shops at Hot Topic. So I will tolerate no Hot Topic bashing on my watch.

  • KittyStryker On Wednesday, December 10, 2003, KittyStryker (710)By person wrote:

    ::grins:: damn right! tho i like to think the fact i work there also lends a bit to the no bashing thing :)

  • XCryingMinotaurX On Tuesday, December 9, 2003, XCryingMinotaurX (20)By person wrote:

    katy, that almost made me cry when u said that the managers helped u when u needed it. im glad i was there for you, and even when ur in Cali, if u need a friend, u know how to reach me. i love ya lots!

  • KittyStryker On Tuesday, December 9, 2003, KittyStryker (710)By person wrote:

    i love you tooooooooo! muah

  • Griffin On Tuesday, December 9, 2003, Griffin (114)By person wrote:

    i dont shop there because its corprate owned... ive never been in one but i think you can find better stores its just hard... so go ahead

  • Dancing_Monkey On Tuesday, December 9, 2003, Dancing_Monkey (1230)By person wrote:

    My multicollored neonsign guide you to my store, a store of dreams.. quote myself.. :oD I'm a dick.. (love the write Kittie)

  • A former member wrote: Shop where you want, wear what you want, work where you want, who gives a fuck? Sometimes I find cool stickers at Hot Topic, am I selling out the "lesser known" sticker stores by doing this? If so fuck you, get better stickers lesser known sticker store

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