reflections of an old flame

By Armand

I recall my chest crushing against your naked breasts
Separated only by beads of sweat
As our bodies lay still in a warm embrace
Until the silence of night is broken
By the distant sound of morning sparrows;
Awakened to the heady smell of last night's love
That fills the air like a slow dance in your arms.
I sense the gentleness of your body breathing
Content in your tranquil dreams of comfort.
And I try to recall the day I actually fell
For you
And how every song I heard
Turned into a song about you and me;
A picture show of pleasure and love
Of fear and desire
Of roads to take
And best not taken.
I gently kiss the back of your neck
And you respond with a whimper
As my cock grows hard against your milky flesh
Responding to the touch of your moistened lips.
I think about the things I love most about you
A tongue to suck on, a lip to bite
An arching back when I touch you there
A soul to care for
And hold as you tremble in a quivering glow
Feeling the passion
Of your sensual body restfully serene against mine
And if you only knew how deep the passion burns
Like the flames that once fired the abandoned mills
That lined the landscape of our very first drive
Along the Atlantic coast.
And our last.

So I stare through a tear at a vision
Of our last embrace
And how I had pledged my devotion
Time and again
A sense of caring that passes
With the words that were left unspoken
I reminisce of a happier time
When you were all that mattered
A princess
In a world we created
And with a single gaze or a warm caress
You could forget your world
And we would be one
And time would stand still
And the feeling would last forever.
Yet time will heal the saddest wounds
And hearts that only love could break
And if I could only stop missing
Your smile
Your touch
Your breath against my soul
To help the hurt just fade away
For I know I will not love like this again.

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Comments on "reflections of an old flame"

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  • A former member wrote: "for I know I will not love like this again". This made me thankful for not having to have experienced that emotion..or not quite. Intense, the binding of past and present was smooth and rich. The eroticism didn't get in the way, it added to it- I like that.

  • A former member wrote: Beautiful. You have a way with words. Well done.

  • SummerCoat On Friday, April 27, 2012, SummerCoat (29)By person wrote:

    WOW WOW WOW the realness, raw–ness and relatable honesty to this poem floor me

  • brokenbandagedbetter On Friday, December 19, 2008, brokenbandagedbetter (29)By person wrote:

    You have an intense ability to bring envoke emotions here. I could smell what you were smelling and feel what you were feeling. My favorite lines were "Of roads to take And best not taken." Very nice! The poems was very erotic and emotional and truly left me wanting to know why you two arent together, what happened? A good read always leaves you wanting more and this did!

  • Aurora_Light On Friday, June 20, 2008, Aurora_Light (472)By person wrote:

    *sits back and stares* I have to say that you are very talented, you captured feelings so hard to describe, i had a love like that once and this work of yours caputers how i felt so perfectly

  • totaltrip On Tuesday, June 17, 2008, totaltrip (36)By person wrote:

    Oh boy. I am in love with this.

  • Bluegirl On Monday, June 16, 2008, Bluegirl (177)By person wrote:

    Beautiful. I love this piece. The imagery is so soft and lovely, and broken all at the same time. Nice write.

  • Sin On Sunday, June 25, 2006, Sin (1135)By person wrote:

    painfully exquisite...

  • Mari On Monday, May 29, 2006, Mari (419)By person wrote:

    i really liked the part about cocks. i love chickens!

  • A former member wrote: the last line says it all.. pefectly. gina

  • A former member wrote: Armand you amaze me. This is beautiful

  • Malice In Wonderland On Tuesday, April 19, 2005, Malice In Wonderland (976)By person wrote:

    Heh, this is exactly right, I know the feeling well, and you nailed it, bringing tears to my eyes in the process. Scholar

  • A former member wrote: The first time i read this was 2 days after me and my X broke up. I felt exactly like this. I read it every day for about a month. Its still one of my fav. poems i have ever read, and now that i joined DP i can finaly tell you what i think. This poem has Scholar

  • A former member wrote: truely touched me like no other poem i have ever read. Thank You. ~Serena~ Scholar

  • rage_angel On Thursday, November 18, 2004, rage_angel (3)By person wrote:

    the confusions of life...raw emotion and the naked truth...well done, excellent write

  • Kitt On Sunday, November 7, 2004, Kitt (17)By person wrote:

    utterly gorgeous and tragic. makes me feel like falling. -kitt

  • A former member wrote: godamn. intense indeed. such masterful work, well crafted in every way.

  • A former member wrote: Beautiful*

  • A former member wrote: Very sad and Beatiful...

  • NikesRain On Friday, September 17, 2004, NikesRain (1239)By person wrote:

    the intensity and passions of this are beyond superb. You are without doubt a master at leading the imagination to a lush, vivid landscape. Beautiful and crushing at the same time.

  • CorruptedLittleGirl On Sunday, September 5, 2004, CorruptedLittleGirl (243)By person wrote:

    Absolutely amazing. My heart is audible on the other side of the room. Truly touching and beautiful.

  • Spikes_of_Blue On Sunday, July 18, 2004, Spikes_of_Blue (42)By person wrote:

    im shocked...ive long desired to express this in poetry but i could never be good enough to use such beautiful imagery...this hits me almost as hard as if it were matter...beautiful, longing, passionate work...i love it

  • A former member wrote: < sigh >

  • aXe FactoR On Monday, May 24, 2004, aXe FactoR (333)By person wrote:

    this almost brought me tears.its really sad that sometimes, true love only comes once in a lifetime, and when it passes,the next love wont feel like this anymore..wonderful is this piece for conveying emotions that are so realistic. :)

  • Jaded Jezzabelle On Friday, March 5, 2004, Jaded Jezzabelle (328)By person wrote:

    my god....ive felt this way....but have never been able to put it down like this.....there are no words to explain how much the touched me deep inside my soul to a part of me i thought gone.....thanks

  • TropicalSnowstorm On Sunday, January 25, 2004, TropicalSnowstorm (1581)By person wrote:

    Indeed, this was beautiful - great piece! Ciao, T/S Scholar

  • A former member wrote: that was wonderful, armand. your words all weave together to create a beautiful story..just...amazing. i empathize with the poem as well. Scholar

  • A former member wrote: I feel I didn't express myself enough on my last comment. This work is highly erotic and impelling to the soul. Good write, I will add this to my favorites :) Scholar

  • A Velvet Tongue On Friday, July 4, 2003, A Velvet Tongue (434)By person wrote:

    This was beautiful, and erotic, sad, yet inspiring..Mmmmmmmmm..*applauds you*

  • A former member wrote: wow...

  • Wren On Friday, June 27, 2003, Wren (34)By person wrote:

    If I had a hat I'd tip it to you. Incredulous. ~::Wren::~

  • A former member wrote: Love' this shit! grat work:}669

  • A former member wrote: Armand, (and i rarely capitolize names,) , this left me with that feeling you get, early in the morning, when you fall off your bed , but really dont,, you jsut get that rush in your heart, and thank god ou didnt really fall...i am hoping my love doesnt f

  • A former member wrote: fall, this gave me the illusion, amazing, truly amazing.-dave

  • liquid_emotion On Friday, April 25, 2003, liquid_emotion (323)By person wrote:

    passion, raw telent, and many tears. only one thing... cock... it seems so... unfitting here. this was...well they all said it, didn't they.

  • Sky Singer On Wednesday, April 23, 2003, Sky Singer (153)By person wrote:

    ...such loss... burning passion ...hurts like hell... all of this (and more) you have captured magnificently...

  • KittyStryker On Sunday, April 20, 2003, KittyStryker (710)By person wrote:

    Stunning. And I especially agree about the music... every song does seem to relate...

  • Midnight Phoenix On Wednesday, April 16, 2003, Midnight Phoenix (240)By person wrote:

    I have to agree with the rest of the comments above. You are magnificent and nothing less. You captured all of that burning emotion into words. This may be the best written poem of love and loss that I have ever read. Perfect!

  • cre On Sunday, April 13, 2003, cre (410)By person wrote:

    oh, my god, that is so sad, it hurt me to read. it seemed a small picture of perfection.. but then it seemed a picture of perfection only to be compared to how it was no longer. so, so, so sad. wonderful write.

  • A former member wrote: This is awesome!!! Just about made me want to bust out in tears.. For I know the feeling.. And just as "every song" is about you and her.... I am at the stage where every sad poem is meant for me.. Excellent work..

  • A former member wrote: Very intense. Wow. I gotta agree with MR on this one, your talent is incredible.

  • A former member wrote: god what passion! i would give a vital organ just to have half of your!

  • A former member wrote: This was.. awesome. There's not much more I can think to say to that. "Hearts that only love could break." The most beautiful of words, and of feelings. Great job. ~Illiana~

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