A Cheesy Love Poem
By lupus tenebrae
Let me brie your every
single afterthought:
a garish, golden cheddar
shaping singles in your hands
as a gentle mozzarella melts,
entrapping you in
lithe embrace;
a dash of your desire
writes a verse
that love can prove alone.
It's this verse,
this casu marzu
turning bleu 'til it's
acquired taste,
that renders rhyme
and rhythm full of holes:
which then becomeĀ
lovesick pools
that deepen with my
every retrospective gaze.
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Copyright 2014 lupus tenebrae
Author's Note:
Just a little something I'd written for Valentine's Day, more like a personal challenge, I suppose.Comments on "A Cheesy Love Poem"
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On Sunday, May 15, 2016, Selenophile
(22) wrote:
Very cool. I love cheese too.
On Sunday, September 13, 2015, Steven86175
(16) wrote:
Love the writing and cheesy part haha. Good write
On Sunday, September 6, 2015, Jesse Guzman
(39) wrote:
Great write! Thanks for the read
A former member wrote:
A whole new meaning to being cheesy lol.
A former member wrote:
LMAO. Clever but your right. It's cheesy.
On Monday, February 24, 2014, Strataic
(99) wrote:
One acquired in taste, you keep wanting more. Lovely piece I say you did your challenge well, thanks.
On Monday, February 24, 2014, Melankolia
(46) wrote:
I love this. Craftsmanship at it's finest!
On Monday, February 24, 2014, megaprime81
(740) wrote:
Awesome composition. Great job! 10