Imperfect Yet
By Mr King
We are human...
We are imperfect and always will be.
We are imperfect people...
Yet we touch perfection.
In standing up...
After we crawl.
In rising...
After we fall.
In recovery...
After hitting the wall.
In being bigger people...
Where once we were small.
In generosity...
When given the chance to give.
In taking responsibility...
Where once we were placing blame.
And in restoring our own integrity...
When we break our word.
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Ask the author first.
Copyright 2005 Seth David King
Published on Saturday, February 19, 2005.
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A former member wrote:
Truly meaningful and inspirational!
On Wednesday, March 23, 2005, AniDayz
(812) wrote: speak loud + clear...+always leave me feeling inspired....a feeling that is much welcomed and enjoyed...thank you for sharing your wisdom......
A former member wrote:
wonderful write much enjoyed.
A former member wrote:
great messege in this one loved it ~~GOTHICA~~
On Sunday, February 20, 2005, sIo
(898) wrote:
ah i like this. so true...awesome work.
On Sunday, February 20, 2005, DarkDruidess
(313) wrote:
hmmmm....intriguing...gets the old creative juices flowing...nice