I write because it is the most real way I know to communicate.
Without communication there is only misunderstanding and chaos.
We will both be better people for your effort.
"When you think about death do you lose your breath
or do you keep your cool?
Would you like to see The Pope on the end of a rope,
do you think he's a fool?"
Black Sabbath~Master of Reality
Top Achievements
streetpoet's Works
Lyrics | 2003-10-01 | Spiritual Undertow |
Lyrics | 2003-10-01 | Green Jello |
Poetry | 2003-10-02 | Hunger is God |
Poetry | 2003-10-02 | Honesty |
Lyrics | 2003-10-02 | Take it Back |
Lyrics | 2003-10-02 | Blessed are the Damned |
Poetry | 2003-10-06 | The Way |
Poetry | 2003-10-06 | Pins and Needles |
Poetry | 2003-10-06 | Religion Sucks! |
Lyrics | 2003-10-07 | The Day of the Dragon |
Poetry | 2003-10-10 | The Devil's Favorite Whore |
Poetry | 2003-10-10 | Forever |
Poetry | 2003-12-20 | paradox |
Poetry | 2003-12-20 | freedom |
Poetry | 2003-12-20 | the play |
Poetry | 2003-12-22 | Thanks for the Ride |
Poetry | 2003-12-22 | magik |
Poetry | 2003-12-22 | first night of winter |
Poetry | 2003-12-22 | Into the Gypsy Night |
Poetry | 2003-12-22 | I am alone |
Poetry | 2003-12-22 | without speaking a word |
Poetry | 2003-12-22 | Broken Looking Glass |
Poetry | 2003-12-22 | A Vacuum of Sleep |
0000-00-00 | The Elite Poetic | |
Poetry | 2003-12-27 | Fallen |
Poetry | 2003-12-30 | The Fraud |