break plates if it makes you feel better

By KittyStryker

destruction is an act of creation. this is something
i never believed, really, until it settled into my chest
and i realized i was made new every time i fell apart.
i loved, and broke up, broke down, and loved again
and will continue, on and on and on, because i can
hearts are made to be broken, and made to mend
and tears become diamonds on cheeks of satin.

there is no such thing as infinity.
there is now. and now. and now.
you can spend your life staring across the sea
wishing for his return, or you can pack up
and head home. i keep the seashells from those times
but let the sand fall through the cracks.

i never realized i could be this blessed. and i fought for it.
tooth and nail, i scratched my way out of the pits
and forged a future with blood and grit. i destroyed self
only to create self worth. and i am fiercely proud.
i mark my territory with my joy, the joy of this moment.

i make a point by breathing.

by laughing. by living.

and i am reborn fresh each dawn, again, again, again.

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© 2008 Bast
Published on Thursday, July 10, 2008.     Filed under: "Reflective" and "Poetry"
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Comments on "break plates if it makes you feel better"

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  • carlosjackal On Friday, December 23, 2016, carlosjackal (2787)By person wrote:

    Refreshing as the day you wrote this...Words that reverberate and sing with the strength to love time and time again.

  • Dei On Sunday, March 31, 2013, Dei (663)By person wrote:

    This is why I've always loved you, you incredible creature. You were one of the poets that ensnared me when i first came to this site.

  • A former member wrote: "I was made new every time I fell apart" - so true, so true, and the way you say it is amazing. This poem sent chills down my spine, and I love how it speaks of hope, of letting every fall be an opportunity to get up changed for the better. Thank you for sharing this write. I'll be bookmarking it, like many others here, for its beautiful reminder.

  • A former member wrote: Perfect. I needed to read something like this. It's like a pep talk that is true and doesn't suck. Gritty realism that isn't pessimistic. Well done.

  • A former member wrote: This gave me goosebumps, WOW.

  • OLd SouL On Saturday, April 28, 2012, OLd SouL (717)By person wrote:

    I had to fav this to keep it as a reminder. I have a tough time picking up the pieces and I'm envious of your outlook. and the way you conveyed it, fucking fantastic.

  • A former member wrote: this is a deep piece a piece which stays with u for long time

  • ubiquitoussoul On Tuesday, March 30, 2010, ubiquitoussoul (343)By person wrote:

    So many points in here I have to agree perfectly said...this piece was like a breath of fresh air(so cliche I know) but I enjoyed your verse so much..Thanks

  • heroineyes On Sunday, July 13, 2008, heroineyes (111)By person wrote:

    destruction is an act of creation that says it all...

  • Six-Out On Thursday, July 10, 2008, Six-Out (1423)By person wrote:

    there is no infinity. preach it sista ;)

  • KittyStryker On Friday, July 11, 2008, KittyStryker (710)By person wrote:

    Well, this was indirectly written for you, so suck it in, bitch :D

  • Six-Out On Saturday, July 12, 2008, Six-Out (1423)By person wrote:

    Oh? How so? and call me a bitch again, see if I don't make you mine.

  • Alanarchy On Thursday, July 10, 2008, Alanarchy (1168)By person wrote:

    "I make a point by breathing" has to be one of the best lines I've ever read. Something I wish I had thought of.

  • A former member wrote: Beautiful mid life reincarnation....

  • freudian-slip On Thursday, July 10, 2008, freudian-slip (236)By person wrote:


  • Rebel tiGer King On Thursday, July 10, 2008, Rebel tiGer King (239)By person wrote:

    this is beautifully spun, great read -symph-

  • A former member wrote: and you are reborn more and more beautiful with every break you mend...

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