Phoenix Rising
By Mr King
Out of the frying pan...
And into the fire of the Burning Bush Family!
So, out of which a phoenix may rise...
The American voters chose...
The corporations chose...
The upper classes chose...
The Christians and Catholics chose...
The religious right chose...
Those of faith chose...
G.W. Bush for a 2nd Term!!!
In order to protect America...
From taxes...
Instead of public education and health care.
From environmental protection laws...
Instead of corporate responsibility, clean air, nature conservation,
and drinking water.
From gay marriage...
Instead of faithful love between two gay people under the law.
From legal abortion clinics...
Instead of illegal abortions.
From evolution...
Instead of Creation.
From rationality...
Instead of faith.
From inclusion...
Instead of self-righteous separation.
From global unity...
Instead of American superiority.
From peaceful possibilities...
Instead of war.
So, that out of which a phoenix may rise!
So, out of which you may rise.
So, out of which I may rise.
So, out of which we may rise!!!