Born Between Urine and Feces
By Mr King
How is it possible?
Born in the funk...
Into American hell...
Soul for a dollar we sell...
Popular porn culture is entertainment...
People trained to be ignorant...
Yet from out the human abyss...
Order from piss...
Beauty from sh-t...
Spirit from flesh...
Soul survivors knee deep in trash...
Facing a 2004 human evolutionary crash!
In the land of the free...
Yet we are Zeppelin Led...
With no way out...
They institutionalized public education
since before we were born...
Children of the corporate corn...
Double edge sword cuts like a knife...
Immune difficiency as a way of life...
Diseases for population control...
Trap you in the maze...
Seal your fate...
And yet another pill to solve it all...
Before its too late?
He who diggeth a pit...
Will fall in it...
Game over...
Death comes soon...
For the dead...
The machine...
The beast...
And the systematic exterminators of the people.
Yet for the living...
The One Spirit is Salvation...
And Now is...
The Dawn of Life.
Comments on "Born Between Urine and Feces"
On Wednesday, November 10, 2004, Angst Queen
(370) wrote:
well put and true. i don't think i knw you well but this makes me want to read more of your work
A former member wrote:
*nods vigorously* Spoken like a Warrior. Through the filth, a flower is born, for it strives for the sunlight, and to overcome the brutal surroundings. One Power, My Brother :)
On Wednesday, April 14, 2004, urbanhumility
(1158) wrote:
intricate, and well said my friend,you seem to have a grasp upon what "is" and what could be.........well done mr. king