Final Dedication...
By Mr King
All my poetry is dedicated to my Mom and Dad.
A special dedication goes to the world and everyone out there
who moved and inspired me in the writing of this poetry.
A special dedication goes also obviously to the Almighty One
in and of the All through which all true blessings arrive.
An extra special dedication goes finally to my wife Trish.
For without her love, I may have actually become Christ Vice.
It was largely her love in fact that saved me from literally
trying to live his fate, and I know now that if the highest good
under God deemed that I end my life as he does, then I would
not do so alone. For her and I would go together.
All my love 2 you babe!
In love, life, and lightning,
P.S. Peace to everybody at, and may you all
create for yourselves a very Happy New Year in 2004!
Comments on "Final Dedication..."
A former member wrote:
Well damn man. Great to see that there is a light at the end of the tunnel. Hope your new year is as great as the last one has (perhaps) been. ~Ship!
On Saturday, January 3, 2004, urbanhumility
(1158) wrote:
i am grateful to know the both of you....trishes beautiful smile, and seth's kind wisdom......this picture of beauty makes me happy.