Democracy or Hypocrisy?

By Mr King

the lie about the Iraqi war victory…/
is propaganda designed 2 hide American government hypocrisy!/

the imperialists and businessmen within…/
working their own Project New American Century agenda towards further world domination!/

while U.S. weapons building corporations get rich quick…/
and so do those like Bechtel who rebuild Iraq…/
Dick Chaney’s Haliburton gets another multi-billion dollar government contract!/

Pigs at the Trough…/
4 corporate tax shelter…/
offshore they go off!/

over 75 billion dollars in taxes from corporations gone 2 Bermuda were not collected last year…/
so the middle and lower classes pay 4 it all and take it in the rear!/

Bush’s budget steals from the poor…/
and gives 2 the rich…/
then they even want 2 re-elect the son of a b-tch!/

America run now by a war profiteering criminal business cartel…/

time will tell…/
our military invasion of Iraq called a victory now…/
is leading the world 2 terrorist hell?!/

America took the wrong road a long time ago…/
we continually reap what we sow…/
Plutocracy is not Democracy/

because you think that pre-emptive war is a solution shows that your unwise and mentally slow…/
just because the Pentagon says something does not make it so!/

no weapons of mass destruction in Iraq were found…/
lies still accepted by the American people prove that the future of our Nation is unsound!/

Saddam’s was not the only regime in denial until the end…/
America is its own worst enemy…/
Because the truth is no longer our friend/

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Copyright 2003 Seth David King
Published on Saturday, December 27, 2003.     Filed under: "Rant"
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Comments on "Democracy or Hypocrisy?"

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  • streetpoet On Saturday, December 27, 2003, streetpoet (25)By person wrote:

    Very insightfull, but it's nothing new, unfortunately

  • Mr King On Saturday, December 27, 2003, Mr King (547)By person wrote:

    just wrapping up and rounding out to completion the entire prophecy...

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