
By KittyStryker

i turn
and turn
let emotions present themselves
to my line of fire

i try each color, each mood
spinning in the mirror
of your eyes
to see how it fits
where it clings
what flaws it advertises
what perfections

i am dizzy
and still unsure
how i'm supposed to feel

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Copyright 2004 Bast
Published on Sunday, April 11, 2004.     Filed under: "Poetry"
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Comments on "kaleidoscopic"

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  • A former member wrote: the last stanza describes this poem as well, i don't know if it was just me. But I just got confused by it. Everything just confused me more and more.

  • murder_in_clubland On Sunday, May 30, 2004, murder_in_clubland (384)By person wrote:

    this is gorgeous. . .very random~ss

  • WinterGrave On Monday, April 12, 2004, WinterGrave (258)By person wrote:

    the emotion is nicley laid out and easy to see.Great Write.~~~Grave

  • AshtrayDirt On Monday, April 12, 2004, AshtrayDirt (31)By person wrote:

    i like the visuals

  • DoctorAsh On Monday, April 12, 2004, DoctorAsh (371)By person wrote:

    this is simply beautiful .. i do not know what other words to dump on the ground. the hands of paper grab to your pencil. emotional intell . excellent write. [D&A]

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