...A Family of Two...
By RubyXero
This destructive oblivion...
...a mascacre of my life.
Everything was stolen from me.
from my sweet, young fruit...
to my love given companion.
my freedom...
my whole heart.
...and my smile.
Oh, that fateful day!
When she set her
gaze upon me
and said,
"Your time has come."
I have been too happy?
surely the most common way,
tragedy makes
his enterance.
Perhaps it was blinded hope
that set the ball
into place.
...No matter the cause,
I have lived
too long,
fought too hard, to just cowar down
and die!
I pushed and strove
Three weeks of mixed sorrow...
...and determination.
my child was returned to me.
...And though I lost so much
on that infamous day
The most important thing
was her pleaded return.
Still my skies are thick and heavy,
pouring challenges and
upon me with each glance, outside
I take.
At night,
when I'm lonely and morose,
I'll still overpour, and inhale, until
i dull my mind.
until I am at ease...
but come morning
rules me.
I can and will make it through this!
I will be strong
and do whatever
need be done
to keep this family alive!
Comments on "...A Family of Two..."
On Saturday, July 14, 2012, Hands_Around_My_Throat
(67) wrote:
It's hard to deal with all the stress, and it must be terribly difficult to know that whatever you do effects someone else, too. I'm sure that you'll succeed though. Love is something worth pulling yourself together for! Great Write. - Miz
On Thursday, January 5, 2012, Taunting The Reaper
(169) wrote:
This reminds me of a quote by Charles Bukowski, "What maters most is how well you walk through the fire". Family is everything.
On Saturday, March 5, 2011, MESUN
(230) wrote:
I believe in you.
A former member wrote:
wow..inspiring..great piece of work.."still my skies are thick and heavy" is really gud..