Tail Lights Fade
By Ravenblade
darkest moment:
Watched the tail lights fade
into the road.
Thin incision across this wrist,
blackness takes me,
dizziness unable to escape,
crippled by your yells,
strapped to the torture chamber table,
I can't leave it
because I love her,
I will back off.
Your hoarse voice
Lights dimming out of my eyes,
instantly as your
fist finds my face.
I will escape it,
and you'll be sorry.
Hell emerged when you left,
my euphoria melted
like ice cream on the summer street,
that night once you left.
Every night as you leave,
you take pieces of my happiness.
Once you're gone,
the fight is on once again,
and again
my blood is left on the floor.
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Copyright 2013 Ravenblade
Published on Sunday, April 14, 2013.
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Comments on "Tail Lights Fade"
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On Monday, April 15, 2013, dwells
(4177) wrote:
Loathing and self-punishment, sometimes we just can't control those things we think we need most, cheers!
A former member wrote:
a dreary fate to live a nightmare again and again... this confused me a bit about where exactly you were going, at parts... your poetic direction... is she leaving you? were you the reason she left? is she beating you? did you try to kill yourself? but then i guess i realized it's mostly metaphorical... interesting.
On Monday, April 15, 2013, Ravenblade
(307) wrote:
I had no poetic direction when I wrote this. I was young, angsty, and had a lot of things to sort out. My notes on it even kinda explained what was going on. It was two different events that were going on, and with 2 different people; so in effect could have been 2 poems.