Harvest Moon
By dwells
Wisdom, like the phases of the moon;
to wax and wane between periods of darkness.
Quaking in the cave of terrors.
Pondering the future forms it must assume
when the Light returns.
Knowing it will be irrevocably changed.
To judge the past, yet again,
with a baleful eye cast skyward.
Beasts of our field of fears.
Safety in the prisons of our vainglorious expertise.
Guessing at dire futures with each data driven approximation.
Unheralded, the epiphany arrives,
and the cyclical wisdoms all agree:
it was for naught.
Doomed by the opiate of our ignorance.
And perhaps that is as it should be,
before the final harvest –
while the universe shrugs…
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Copyright 2020 dwells
Published on Thursday, May 21, 2020.
Filed under: "Philosophical" and
Author's Note:
Hey! This don't rhyme!! Some predictable prose.Comments on "Harvest Moon"
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On Wednesday, January 10, 2024, carlosjackal
(2787) wrote:
This is still incredible and resonates more than ever. I hope you're safe and well, fella :)
On Monday, June 1, 2020, Divine hell
(238) wrote:
This makes me think of today's misinformation and the chaos that insues coming to a head. - DH
On Sunday, May 24, 2020, TropicalSnowstorm
(1580) wrote:
I liked this one very much, the notion of impending oblivion while the universe shrugs in indifference... gaze into this mirror, you will live or die quite independent of the number of likes and retweets. With the next upgrade to html, no one will even be able to find evidence of them again. Ciao, T/S
On Thursday, May 21, 2020, carlosjackal
(2787) wrote:
Yes! More non-rhyming poems please, Dan. I’m keeping this one :)