Comments by All Members

  • "The Axe is beautiful, as is this piece~ One day... we shall go on an axe expedition and yes well... *Bookmarks piece*"
    Posted by Symbol on "My Love(My Axe)" by SilentStalker
  • "I am completely floored by your imagination. I have never gained this much wisdom and perspective all at once. You are an amazing writer! (((hugs))) and Bows to you sir.. 10"
    Posted by soul_versing on "Preying for Solace..." by SilentStalker
  • "Stunning! You, sir, are perfection..The way you form your thoughts. A beautiful disaster, filled with elegance. Bows to you sir 10/10"
    Posted by soul_versing on "per.fection" by SilentStalker
  • "You sir have stolen my breath away with sensational words. Extremely heart defying in forms of whispering thoughts. What a fabulous mind you posses! 10/10 "
    Posted by soul_versing on "The Dreamer" by SilentStalker
  • "Amazing...just simply amazing. The feeling of seeing a friend so broken that it brakes you as you build them up again and help them stand and then once more they do so for you. A lovely powerful write. "
    Posted by Unknown on "The Pillar" by SilentStalker
  • "I discovered at the same age, that I could write poetry too, but the pot smokers got all the attention, so I just played with my slide rule! Cheers Sarge!"
    Posted by dwells on "The Frog" by SilentStalker
  • "You did a great job in such little words, I kind of liked how dated it was."
    Posted by Unknown on "Gone" by SilentStalker
  • "This is terrific, you and I must have something in common? Cause I can understand this very well. Thank you for writing this. You inspire me."
    Posted by Unknown on "Words Fail Me" by SilentStalker
  • "well that certainly was an inspired piece and what an inspiration ... congratulations :) most worthy potd Darun "
    Posted by kinkifrog on "per.fection" by SilentStalker
  • "This, the epitome of awesomeness, pen of yours. Has truly astounded me. I shall carry this painting with me for many days. Thank you more than I can thank =}"
    Posted by Unknown on "Madman" by SilentStalker
  • "Amen on that last line! Indeed. Not trying is the most common reason for these types of failure. Nice little piece of daydream here on top of've always reminded me of the tough guy with the big heart. Lot of us try to portray ourselves this way, but your realness is always very obvious to anyone with at least a decent sense of observation. Much appreciated, Darun...good job on this assignment."
    Posted by Unknown on "The Dreamer" by SilentStalker
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