Comments by All Members

  • "theres a vulnerability to these words. a certain "open wound" aspect to the choices of the words and the rhythm you used...missed your words old friend...."
    Posted by Spiritus_Frumenti on "Apparent..." by urbanhumility
  • "parting the mists to see the unsen is amazing thing to do, I love this poem, it takes me to a spiritual place, land of our ancestors and of our goddess. lovely wrk"
    Posted by Unknown on "Mist and White Shores...." by urbanhumility
  • "Good God how I still adore you! This is so sweet, so inspiring, so heartfelt and longing... and so, YOU! Amazed still, I am. I miss you friend."
    Posted by TaintedButterfly on "Apparent..." by urbanhumility
  • "very nice and smooth penned work from was also very profound lacking....nothing....i will be back to read more from you....thanks for sharing....rc/\ol"
    Posted by Unknown on "the origin" by urbanhumility
  • "Thought I would give credit where it is supposed to go. This is a great poem. I read it while reading kanica_xD stolen dp poems on .. I am at the moment working with some thoughts on monotheism and polytheism and how there are cultures of different mindsets, how the one god view effects even the sons of nothing, not by faith but by culture and way of thinking. A sort of either or. All or nothing, with or against.. Atleast this culture effects me, even if I would go out fighting it. This hits home with my current thought tracks."
    Posted by Blinded_Tiger on "priest of nothing ...." by urbanhumility
  • "There is a comfortable finalty to this. Like an acceptable end to the begining; making way for the begining of the rest.. It's been quite a while sinse I read your work. Well done.. ^V^"
    Posted by veingo on "Apparent..." by urbanhumility
  • "there is always a grace that flows from your writing... in finding such i would never believe your own grace distorted...a sage tone woven into the lines that no matter the tempo, seems to drift through them... again i find myself at a loss for something more elegant to say but instead *bow* and say your words and meanings are affecting as always"
    Posted by NikesRain on "Sanctify..." by urbanhumility
  • "To create out of need...a human flaw...but, where do our creations go when we move on? This is such a creatively provoking piece. You never fail to sets the cogs in motion, even though they are sometimes rusty and sluggish, the squeaking is a welcome sound...alive."
    Posted by Amaryllis on ""these humble machines"" by urbanhumility
  • "thoughtfully wrought, in pieces parts... like so many landfills and junk yards harboring the relics of our failing humanity.... and apathy reigns down against our steel exteriors... I once felt the rain. *bows* well done, thank you."
    Posted by Unknown on ""these humble machines"" by urbanhumility
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