Come, M'Orpheus

By Carmina Gitana

Come M'Orpheus,

with your eyes full of acid
and your mouth full of pearls,
your jacket unbuttoned
and your fingers unfurled,

with milk on your tongue
and flesh in your teeth,
in battered old blue jeans
with nothing on underneath,

with your heart full of garbage
and your head full of wind,
with a stamp on your wrist
and a price on your skin,

with the dust in your lashes,
with your old bag of tricks,
with the world on your shoulders,
with your perfect pink prick,

with your smile like a snowfall,
and the moon in your eyes,
come as you are
or come in disguise

for you know I will know you
whatever you wear
by the stain on your iris
by the scent of your hair.

So come, M'Orpheus
I've been waiting up
and the coffee's gone bitter
and cold in my cup.

With your horns all aglow
and your halo ablaze,
come for a while,
but don't ask to stay

for you know I would love you
if you gave the command
and I don't think you need
more blood on your hands.

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© 2009 Carmina Gitana
Published on Tuesday, March 31, 2009.     Filed under: "Poetry"
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Comments on "Come, M'Orpheus"

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  • Manperson96 On Thursday, March 14, 2013, Manperson96 (23)By person wrote:

    Thank you for bestowing the honor of reading this to me.

  • Alchemist On Thursday, October 20, 2011, Alchemist (679)By person wrote:

    with your smile like a snowfall, and the moon in your eyes, come as you are or come in disguise for you know I will know you whatever you wear by the stain on your iris by the scent of your hair. Those lines are so perfect, this is a beautiful poem.

  • blue On Tuesday, October 27, 2009, blue (1409)By person wrote:

    uhuh. this is a rare moment of reading for me, wherein I am literally penetrated by a write, a tingling that runs the entire course of my body... everything about this write is perfectly played out like only an Orphic song could. mmm.. don't look back.. thanks for the buzz! ~b

  • purr_verse On Tuesday, October 27, 2009, purr_verse (1053)By person wrote:

    damn you're good. :D

  • A former member wrote: at once a song and a dream... a trip into hades for the love of a lifetime, a dream to behold all eternity. The rhyme sings like a harp, and the words they seem to beckon into the beyond... a blending of love and death, of beauty and pain, of dream and song... *bows before muse of melodious myth* perfection.

  • Taunting The Reaper On Tuesday, March 31, 2009, Taunting The Reaper (169)By person wrote:

    Glorious in so many ways. It's like a passionate Tango without missing a beat.

  • Stranger On Tuesday, March 31, 2009, Stranger (263)By person wrote:


  • Alanarchy On Tuesday, March 31, 2009, Alanarchy (1169)By person wrote:

    So completely perfect, and solid. The rhyme was smooth and driving, and not sing-songy at all. "with your eyes full of acid and your mouth full of pearls," Wicked, sleek and sexy. This slays me.

  • A former member wrote: this was amazing and beautiful. ~ hdb.

  • A former member wrote: perfect pink prick..I think I love that line the best..and with all the sophistication of imagery and perfect rhyme scheme of the rest, it's the crudeness of that little bit of alliteration that makes the point of this so precise and perfect...

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