an unlikely story
By Jonas
i was shooting at birds
hunting pigeons with a handgun
though hunting is the wrong word
as i wasn't hungry but interested only
in blowing off some steam
though after six shots i managed only to ruffle a few feathers
and most of the birds returned directly under the presumption i was
willing to offer crumbs of bread
now that the brief bit of violence had come to a conclusion
i heard about it later
how one shot sailed up and away
then traveling by certain degrees and difficult angles
was caught by the high atmospheric winds that never cease to blow
and after a time the lead tired of entreating the entire mass of the earth
to allow its few atoms a chance at overcoming vast distances
and questions lacking answers
and so turned its intentions back toward the surface of the earth
and though very unlikely and unfortunate
the plan b trajectory that the metal chose for its descent intersected
perfectly with a catalog model on her way to a photo shoot as she walked
pleased at the way her breakfast had tasted
though no official word ever came to me
i read about what happened in the next day's paper
though i was not quite certain i was sure enough to feel terribly guilty
though slightly amused
Comments on "an unlikely story"
On Friday, May 7, 2010, liquid_emotion
(323) wrote:
LOL! Fishy, how the heck have you been?
On Tuesday, December 29, 2009, Dilated View
(582) wrote:
Huh very nicely done. I liked that your initial prey was just to kill time and would have satisfied a need but probably immediately have been forgotten whereas the end result was mixed but lasting.
On Tuesday, December 29, 2009, Lydia Jade
(1332) wrote:
what he said
On Monday, March 23, 2009, LoneWolf
(33) wrote:
((((Jonas)))) It's been forever, I miss you and your philosophy hanging around! My oldest kid (we have a little girl now too heh) is about to turn 4 in a couple days... I feel so old! Give us a ring, we miss you!
A former member wrote:
this is truly inspiring. i love the way you write.
On Saturday, October 18, 2008, Stranger
(263) wrote:
freakin sublime
On Tuesday, October 7, 2008, Leith Plunkett
(237) wrote:
It has been a while that a poem has made me laugh yet still have strong content. you are a master :-)
On Friday, September 19, 2008, TropicalSnowstorm
(1580) wrote:
"read about what happened in the next day's paper though i was not quite certain i was sure enough to feel terribly guilty" - I loved this one! Definitely produced a smile. Ciao, Steve
On Wednesday, September 10, 2008, sixsixnine
(476) wrote:
interesting... reminds me of a hillbilly moment I forgot ever occured. thanx for the flashback I think...
On Thursday, August 21, 2008, Six-Out
(1423) wrote:
your words are tasty.
On Wednesday, August 20, 2008, WhoIAM
(27) wrote:
On Wednesday, August 20, 2008, Jonas
(715) wrote:
On Tuesday, August 19, 2008, KittyStryker
(710) wrote:
Pigeons are some stupid birds. But tasty. And this poem made me giggle, but then, you're good at that.
A former member wrote:
...did she die?
On Monday, August 18, 2008, Jonas
(715) wrote:
that depends on what 'intersected perfectly' means to you, i guess........