I'm am a victim of lack of cultural diversity, so my society perceives me as an alien lifeform. I write about alot of different topics (some dark, some not) but many trend on the dark side of perception. i love horror movies, music, and stories (especially vampires).I have released 7 books of poetry and verses titled "Poet's Journal", "Misery Melodies & Dirty Dirges", "Defining Love" "Nymph's Denial", "Pasty Pale Darkness", "Knight After The Reign", Drawn to Dark Things" all which can be found at www.lulu.com/spotlight/micwjohnson under the author name Michael Wade Johnson. I'm the director/producer of Faux Pas Films, DVD page: www.freewebstore.org/Faux-Pas-Films . IMDb page : www.imdb.com/company/co0281111/ . You can also find me on facebook at www.facebook.com/FauxPasFilms .