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I don’t want to make you feel guilty
There’s no daily price I’d have you pay.
Goddamn it- if I could,
I’d make it all go away.
I feel so out of control
My head and heart are spinning.
I feel silly
because I’ve been busting my ass
to convince you of my love
since the very beginning.
And in my consuming efforts
I never took the time to consider
the chance I was taking by
handing my heart over whole
-I never really thought of it breaking-
But I felt it.
And in my cell, - my perforated hell..?-
I often found myself sobbing and shaking
optimism faking.
I suppose it’s the inevitable, though.
Nothing stays perfect forever…
every heart comes to bear scars
and their depth does show…
through lack of trust and hesitation
when it comes to letting go and
letting anyone get close enough
to ever really know