To Become a God

By Riven Waker

Who I once was
As the one god
Made me

The God that I am
As I make of myself

Let the shimmering
Reflection of the Moon
Witness to my ascension

The - Master Moon
As an illusory raven
Flits by in the night

{I knew not how
To face such blind hatred without
Until the very moment I became
   Vivid hatred itself within}

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Copyright 2010 Riven Waker
Published on Monday, April 26, 2010.     Filed under: "Poetry"
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Comments on "To Become a God"

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  • T-Nothing On Tuesday, September 28, 2010, T-Nothing (38)By person wrote:

    a killer piece within itself, paints a very intriguing story, but the last four lines man... were nothing short of pure brilliance.

  • Gray Vision On Wednesday, June 30, 2010, Gray Vision (424)By person wrote:

    An extrodinary piece, well crafted by yet again another of DP's geniuses. Only you can write poetry like this, it's unique, like the fabric of your body is unique. A god indeed, thank you for sharing with us =)

  • Dilated View On Friday, May 7, 2010, Dilated View (582)By person wrote:

    I found this to be pretty profound man. The moon imagery hooked me and the last stanza tugged me to shore. Excellent visuals as always Ray.

  • A former member wrote: Wow! That last part was just amazing. Great flow and magnificent words. =)

  • Malcholm Dark On Monday, April 26, 2010, Malcholm Dark (806)By person wrote:

    Dude, you are the god.... amazing write... I love the moon tie in... who are we if made by gods?... a well written piece.. thanks

  • A former member wrote: excellent!... in the unfortunately translated title that is now known as "The Gay Science" Nietzsche offers the "God is dead" line so infamous now through the persona of a "madman" who comes to town seeking God only to find that the townspeople had already killed him. In his aesthetic philosophy, this proclamation does not exactly take center stage as his notoriety would suggest; however, the philosophy itself does share other elements of existentialism (he was not the father of, Kierkegaard takes that crown) in ways that seem to suggest that we, people, in the absence of God and all absolutes, must become Godlike, must be God now... concepts like the Ubermensche, will to power, and nobility as a new morality, all seem to suggest upon interpretation, that we must create ourselves from nothing (creatio ex nihilo), be the cause of our own life (sui generis), and fight for our singularity and individuality. He is often called the last metaphysician because he inverts the Platonic order that heavily influenced Christianity. Just some thoughts on our Godhood. Nice write.. *bows before God Riven Waker*

  • Riven Waker On Wednesday, April 28, 2010, Riven Waker (317)By person wrote:

    thank you both! Ainsof, I am pleased that I inspired such a fascinating discourse. You are right - the Gods that we make of ourselves, we do so out of necessity, or perhaps a vacuum of power. *bows in return*

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