Angels in the Dark

By Lab Rat

He used to love a screaming Harlot
Long nights, bottles, fights
Used to see in scarlet
Feeling the pull of a vampire glare
thieving fingers, a fugitive's dare
Every hushed word, a lullaby flight
Going straight for his throat, ripping
Dragging off his heart for a night

He would sing, soldier cadence
Left Right Left crooning
Self imposed sentence, decadence 
    In repentance
    Repeating acceptance

Some girls would dance to the beat of his drum
Some girls twirled heart strings like piano wire to strum
Others pulled twine to strangling garrote
Just tramps stamping out their rap
    beat on a heart attack
    Dancing in the dark

Though he had his angels
Wings spread defensively
From victory to sin, shining beneath willows
Rain pattering an empty throne, set for a Queen
Deep in the shadows of June, february, and beyond
Standing short with a balled fist, smoldering eyes on fire
Light caresses dancing under strobes, and the most elegant 
Of a kiss, if not the most brief

A lifetime ago, hollow boots off concrete 
    in screeching falsetto
Memory sounds, like  'i love you's
Forever trapped in an echo

But he may think..
Its time to pick up the march
Its time to come out of retirement
    the words are known
The pitch, the movement
He remembers hell

And remembers the hands, guiding
Gliding, fighting
To keep his head above water
Digging deeper
as he slid farther, and farther

His angels always loved to dance in the dark

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Copyright 2016 Lab Rat
Published on Monday, February 8, 2016.     Filed under: "Poetry"
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Comments on "Angels in the Dark"

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  • Drea On Sunday, March 10, 2024, Drea (1388)By person wrote:

    I come back to your words a lot. Especially this one. I remember the conversations around this. The way you weaved those of us that always stood by you into this… You are missed. You are incredibly missed.

  • NikesRain On Thursday, August 4, 2022, NikesRain (1240)By person wrote:

    There... just at the edges. You. Always. Sleeping... like that garden.

  • NikesRain On Wednesday, January 6, 2021, NikesRain (1240)By person wrote:

    My heart is broken. I know you're here still but...

  • Drea On Saturday, January 2, 2021, Drea (1388)By person wrote:

    Goddamn it, Bryan... Goddamn it.

  • Sin On Wednesday, October 11, 2017, Sin (1135)By person wrote:

    Well this was a happy accident to stumble across. Made me smile and reminded me of late night conversations. I'm glad to see you still have your way with words.

  • A former member wrote: very descriptive. wonderful

  • NikesRain On Monday, February 15, 2016, NikesRain (1240)By person wrote:

    well shit... you made me cry

  • Lab Rat On Monday, February 15, 2016, Lab Rat (124)By person wrote:

    is making a council member cry a lethal offense? am i gonna get the noose now? ;) nothin but love Doe

  • NikesRain On Monday, February 15, 2016, NikesRain (1240)By person wrote:

    :P nope it's not a punishing offense but it is a compliment

  • Lab Rat On Monday, February 15, 2016, Lab Rat (124)By person wrote:

    ah I have to tease a little! And i took it as such, i hope you take this as the same, and with gratitude

  • Void Vortex On Tuesday, February 9, 2016, Void Vortex (298)By person wrote:

    Beautiful write, Lab Rat. I'm in love with these angels. :)

  • Lab Rat On Tuesday, February 9, 2016, Lab Rat (124)By person wrote:

    thank ya sir!

  • A former member wrote: Some of the phrasing in the work are outstanding. I was caught by "Though he had his angels, wings spread defensively, fromj victory to sin, shining beneath willows." Beautiful descriptive wording in this work and a work well worth reading.

  • Lab Rat On Monday, February 8, 2016, Lab Rat (124)By person wrote:

    thank ya Sir! Glad you enjoyed it, and thanks for reading.

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