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sit before the fire whilst the flame draws you in
there is honor here and truth if you want it
"this is fire medicine" said the shaman
"throw your worries in the flame, and the guilt, the sorrow
and even your grief can find rest here"
"this is fire medicine"
"why do you weep?" asked the shaman
"I don't know how to let go" I replied
"then forgive yourself" said the shaman
"but I'm not sure what the right thing to do is" I replied
"we must all make decisions
based upon incomplete information" said the shaman
"this is fire medicine"
"I just don't feel like I fit in" I replied
"do you see the countless stars
far above the flames?"
asked the shaman
"yes" I replied
"doesn't the sky welcome them all?"
"there is a place for you and you are in it" said the shaman
"why is the fire medicine?" I asked
"fire is the transformation of dark to light
it is the torch that illuminates your path
it is the desire that burns even while you sleep"
"let the fire in your heart transform you
and you will heal" said the shaman
"this is fire medicine"
Below is the YouTube link to the video rendition of
this poem: