Comments by All Members

  • "I read this, over and over, and I see myself and I see you. I see a mirror and I see us. If that makes any sense at all, it's just the way it happens. after all, life is nothing but a rollercoaster. when we're not upside down on one side, we'll be backwards on the other. I love it. both of you. -mars"
    Posted by Mars on "Bright Overalls" by SilentStalker
  • "isn't that the truth... good thing you didn't puke on the way down... lol... nice roller coaster tie-in... reminded me of the older woman and the man half her age... great piece of writing... thanks for sharing "
    Posted by Malcholm Dark on "Bright Overalls" by SilentStalker
  • "I hate to tell you this the risk of another facepalm...I think you're gonna go broke...our legs don't regrow..."
    Posted by kinkifrog on "The Frog" by SilentStalker
  • "I don't comment much, but just thought this was a great idea for a frog farm. Where you would pull only one leg off... harvest them. Let them regrow, then pull the other leg off... repeat repeat and reap in the money... maybe. Just a thought."
    Posted by Unknown on "The Frog" by SilentStalker
  • "its not bad, its just not a CHAMPION! youve got a champion in there, i dunno if you just had an off day or if you were pandering to your fans, but its a 4/10 on the badassometer, but props on the appropriate structure and all that. its clean and consistent. just kind of, yawn stab slicey whatever time"
    Posted by Unknown on "Villanelle -- The Price of Infidelity" by SilentStalker
  • "I read it a few times and tried to shake my bias of such heavily structured work, i dont like villanelles. I'm really upset you won the contest considering this is really run of the mill "you're getting stabbed" poetry. I feel if the poem is doomed to be built on such a rigid platform you should have opted for a more cryptic style. saying "the blade" is SOO played out. you dont have to really spell it out that much, it could have been heaps more violent if it didnt have that kind of obvious descriptor shit. its the kind of thing you find in a sad kids notebook. I'd have dug it if you were getting off more on their struggle and death rather than telling them theyre about to die and how comes. "
    Posted by Unknown on "Villanelle -- The Price of Infidelity" by SilentStalker
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