Skeletal Shipwrecks

By Sin

ghosts are all i see

sallow faces seeping sadness
from empty shells lying in wait
for the wind
to breathe life back into dull eyes

flesh clinging to hollow bones
as worms wriggle under cranial headdresses
faking brainwaves in clustered masses

fetid words spewing from withdrawn lips
as gums recede to escape their twisted smiles

riddled hearts seeking to obtain passion
and hold it in broken vessels
but skeletal fingers only collect cobwebs
as they rot from the inside out

stumbling with disjointed steps
to an insignificant location
mindlessly grinding away
only to crumble
without the necessary lucrative lubrication
of satisfaction

a barren shore of bleached bone awaits
with nothing but miles of empty sand to recieve them

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© 2007 Sin
Published on Thursday, March 29, 2007.     Filed under: "Poetry"
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Comments on "Skeletal Shipwrecks"

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  • carlosjackal On Wednesday, March 30, 2016, carlosjackal (2785)By person wrote:

    Much deserved POTD.

  • A former member wrote: you know this is actually pretty bleak. seeing something very different on re-read -makes me think i'd do better if i still only saw pirates, ghosts and shipwrecks lol -but there's some crazy, clever metaphors here -and a heavy insight. i always enjoy the fluency (and often frivolity) of your writes.. :)

  • A former member wrote: ‘frivolity’ –in the playful, jaunty sense..I must stress that. rrrrr!

  • carlosjackal On Thursday, May 15, 2008, carlosjackal (2785)By person wrote:

    Come back :(

  • A former member wrote: This was actually very relaxing to me, It feels like "shame, but these are the perils" and i am just floating debris. I really do enjoy your style. it reads comfortably.

  • carlosjackal On Friday, April 13, 2007, carlosjackal (2785)By person wrote:

    Magic!! What images you conjure and the tone, mood and atmosphere you created were fantastically fantastical and beautifully eerie. :)

  • Lynaes On Tuesday, April 3, 2007, Lynaes (854)By person wrote:

    I have to agree with Mikeydoodle... this was utterly shudderlicious.. an amazing and different piece of art from you.. I think no matter what you write about, it's beautiful. :)

  • Alanarchy On Sunday, April 1, 2007, Alanarchy (1169)By person wrote:

    What a way to end a poem. Those last two lines made me shudder.

  • Winter Born On Thursday, March 29, 2007, Winter Born (169)By person wrote:

    I would comment, but hatter beat me to it and stated my comment better than i could have....Damn you hatter!

  • A former member wrote: This reaks of rot and filth. Definately not something I am used to when I look at the author. But still insanely satisfying. The final 3 stanzas are awesome. Forgive my slightly inebriated state, but this fucking rocked my shit! +tpu+

  • Berry Fantastic On Thursday, March 29, 2007, Berry Fantastic (28)By person wrote:

    "Skeletal fingers only collect cobwebs" was my favorite line! Love, luv, love.

  • Sin On Thursday, March 29, 2007, Sin (1135)By person wrote:

    btw this was for all those giving me a hard time about being too girlie and mushy :P so suck on that for a moment

  • Alanarchy On Sunday, April 1, 2007, Alanarchy (1169)By person wrote:

    unh! :D

  • A former member wrote: great title -and i love anything to do with ghostly pirate shipwrecks -makes for such wicked imagery and fun...excellent...oh and echos shoot me -that hat man covers all the clever points!!

  • stormtalk On Thursday, March 29, 2007, stormtalk (727)By person wrote:

    Wonderful finish.

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