By Jonas
i feel invisible
and your eyes are like two
green crescent moons
dangling like apples
or ivy from the trellis of the stars
christ! i can't hope to escape cliche in
temper tantrum
crying cryptic tirade
where do i place my head
how do i begin to learn to deny this yearning
to reconcile algebra and art
the mind and the heart
this is bullshit
i dance in the eyes of a painting on display
in the window
during a banal small town opening
out in the rain that more hangs
lurid on the air
and it sticks to your skin
it leaves you wet without the benefit of a downpour
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Copyright 2003 Fish
Published on Friday, December 19, 2003.
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Comments on "painting"
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On Sunday, July 17, 2016, carlosjackal
(2787) wrote:
Gargantuan heart, soul and feeling resonating through this from top to bottom. .Wonderful work of art.
A former member wrote:
what a great piece. you have an incredible way of really capturing the visual stimulation that is so essential in producing amazing poetry...GoLDeNLoTuS
On Saturday, January 3, 2004, liquid_emotion
(323) wrote:
On Tuesday, December 30, 2003, OLd SouL
(717) wrote:
love the imagery of the first verse. Really took to the whole thing in general. Your style is unique and appreciated. :::OLd
On Tuesday, December 30, 2003, Stranger
(263) wrote:
The visual in the first four lines is perfect. It is one of the most beautiful, tangible images I have ever had conjured in my mind.
On Monday, December 22, 2003, purr_verse
(1052) wrote:
great in general, but i absolutely love the closing line. fabulous. purr
On Friday, December 19, 2003, Methos
(121) wrote:
"i dance in the eyes of a painting on display"..Amazing, i love your writing. -Methos
On Friday, December 19, 2003, urbanhumility
(1158) wrote:
a moving piece , to move you.....well done pescado....urban
A former member wrote:
Hi hun, I really like this work..It's very beautiful
A former member wrote:
Your writing leaves me speachless everytime! I love your work.