disorderly- asylum door #1
By anathema
: a mental condition characterized by extreme depression, bodily complaints,
and often hallucinations and delusions; esp : MANIC-DEPRESSIVE PSYCHOSIS
* u *
* p *
* ! * *
and things move quickly
oh so quickly
and i'm sickly
with how quickly
things are moving
things are proving
themselves wrong
my head
and yet i question
yes i question
my obsession
with this question
and i'm asking
there's this song
my head
there's this
i am a
i am
or i would be
and i could be
but there's
and i
a small
and i'd tell you
compel you
Comments on "disorderly- asylum door #1"
On Thursday, March 25, 2010, Miztaken4beauty
(176) wrote:
I adore the scheme, shape, and meaning here. Brilliant.
A former member wrote:
hehe, i was so amazed, the grammar in my comment makes me look like an idiot, lmao...
A former member wrote:
i'm sure you have heard it before, but this is me. the very perfect description of bipolar i have ever seen. very great, awsome, wonderful, amazing poem!
A former member wrote:
This is awesome! It makes for a great read. Marvelous write!
On Saturday, August 20, 2005, Last1inLine
(14) wrote:
Incredible write. I just stumbled upon this today and I love it. Did I mention that I am currently within the walls of an institution?
On Sunday, November 21, 2004, Lotophagi
(333) wrote:
this is just absolutely brilliant..... superb construction visually, and lyrically..... excellent write. Thank you.
A former member wrote:
I just spent the last hour reading bad/marginal poems. Thankyou for writing this.
A former member wrote:
Wow this is dragging me 90 MPH.
On Monday, May 17, 2004, aXe FactoR
(333) wrote:
wow...kudos to the way u structure this poem. really awesome! :)
On Sunday, April 11, 2004, Cinn
(152) wrote:
wow i dont know what else i can say that hasn't already been said but that's a damn good write
On Wednesday, March 10, 2004, flying_fox
(571) wrote:
amazing write...the words, so short and staccatoed just grab the eye and drag it down the page. Fabulous. Am off to read the rest of the series! Fox
A former member wrote:
I really like this because it totally caught me off gaurd. I wasn't ready for something like that. Great.
On Tuesday, September 16, 2003, SilentStalker
(1047) wrote:
...impressive. I was caught off-guard and just spun around with this.
On Tuesday, August 19, 2003, _Andrew_
(245) wrote:
crazy, i enjoyed ever bit, im like in a total state of awe right now... i've never seen such a style and just... *~*aNDReW*~*
On Tuesday, August 5, 2003, Demosthenes
(155) wrote:
and i thought i could write.... *favoritizes it* -B
On Saturday, August 16, 2003, Demosthenes
(155) wrote:
*favoritizes you too* favoritizes is such a word. -B
On Thursday, July 10, 2003, Stranger
(263) wrote:
The way that you splash words on a page with such freedom while simultaneously being completely reined in, like harnessing a comet or a storm is simply awesome.
On Wednesday, July 9, 2003, Jonas
(715) wrote:
...................... mind blowing
On Wednesday, July 9, 2003, Six-Out
(1423) wrote:
You know, so many newbies come and go, but I hope this one stays. This was a remarkable piece. I am literally here kicking myself because I can't write like that. Heh, great job.
A former member wrote:
also adding fo my favorites. this reminds me somehow of some of Poe's works.
A former member wrote:
you make amazing poetry. thats all.
A former member wrote:
*sigh* I think I can write and then I meet people like you. You should read some of Kittygrrl's stuff.
On Tuesday, July 8, 2003, anathema
(50) wrote:
this is meant to be a poem that expresses manic depression... it's first in a series of doors that make up the maze of my diagnoses.
On Tuesday, July 8, 2003, Seraphic
(209) wrote:
I am in awe...I have not read anything like this, ever and...I'm in awe :) This is an amazing poem...adding it to my favorites ~*cherry*~