What humanity sees as a necessity is not always important... the universe is not always important. What is beyond the universe is worth thinking about and considering. The place of humanity from that perspective? Still, every thought and action has its effect and so, humanity is not so insignificant afterall. The negative deed you committed in mind, speech, or action today had an effect upon more then the universe - how does one reverse this? The choice to believe is in the hands of the individual - conforming to society does nothing for individuality, nor for the earth, nor for the universe, nor for the beyond. Choice.
When you take the gun and place it next to your head it's important to remember that this is your last chance, when you take away that chance, what is left? Dark Poetry offers the chance to express yourself freely and be the subject of opinion given freely by individuals, it is also a closely-knit community and there are people here who are always able to listen, support and just be around for others. Suicide is a reality for too many people and it doesn't just mean the ceasing of existance for one individual, it means the loss of motion for the people around it, the ripple effect is never-ending and all individuals, all persons are involved. While society may be a hard thing to live in it is what we have created for ourselves, and our relationships with others is an inevitable consequence, remembering that you are not alone when all you feel is solitude and loneliness is a hard concept to grasp yet it is the truth......
Matter only exists in the universe of the state of mind, it is a theoretical discussion for the so-called intellectuals to create their original demise upon. Nothing needs to exist in a world of hallucination.....