Attempt at words
By Musik2MyEyes
Words are swirling around in my head
I see others spill them out from
their mouths, their hearts, their souls
Mine are stifled, dammed
up behind a wall I buildt
Their words are freedom
My words
are confusing when I say them out loud
I don't believe my words,
I don't believe my life
If I say them, then it will be true
don't want to face the truth
Any more
I admire others
abilities to write, to speak
Words are a tool
They help
they hurt
But I will tell you this
I sleep with the light on
I am not afraid of the dark
I am afraid of sleep
I am afraid
to dream
The dreams
I am inspired by others...but I cannot
For you see...I did not see the danger
It was right in
front of me
It called itself love
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Copyright 2010 Musik2MyEyes
Published on Tuesday, February 16, 2010.
Filed under: "Reflective" and
Author's Note:
Don't be blind to an abusive relationship. Open your eyes before it's too late.Comments on "Attempt at words"
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A former member wrote: and wow. "Words are swirling around in my head
I see others spill them out from their mouths, their hearts, their souls
Mine are stifled, dammed up behind a wall I buildt
Their words are freedom
My words are confusing when I say them out loud
I don't believe my words, I don't believe my life
If I say them, then it will be true
I don't want to face the truth
Any more" that couldn't of been a more pleasing shot of empathy. I don't have to describe to you what it makes me feel, we both know what it means.
A former member wrote:
Love is the strongest drug there is, with the hardest comedown there is.
A former member wrote:
I love this piece. It is very moving. Words are both a weapon and shield especially when dealing with love for the art or love period.
On Friday, April 2, 2010, IAmNorge
(38) wrote:
I liked this, I try to explain how words do matter to people, and I usually come up empty handed, You did really well, good write=]
On Monday, March 8, 2010, punk mc cool
(74) wrote:
this was kinda scary i dunno why...the reason why you cant sleep could also be love...amazing write :)
On Wednesday, March 3, 2010, TropicalSnowstorm
(1580) wrote:
I can identify with this one very much - especially the first stanza. May the walls collapse soon. : ) Ciao, T/S
On Monday, February 22, 2010, DorothyValiga
(11) wrote:
I hear you about being afraid to sleep and dream. You speak clearly. That is a blessing. Thank you for sharing -- it helps to know that someone else KNOWS what I mean/feel.
A former member wrote:
i love it, it sounds like ur afraid of love but then again your not really.
On Friday, February 19, 2010, Musik2MyEyes
(192) wrote:
I want to thank everyone collectively for the comments, the encouragement, the connections made. It seems by sharing we find others who may not have been through the exact same experience, but have shared similar trauma or emotions. And by knowing this it helps...people want to help each other here. They want people to heal. Or at the very least, the support and kindness shown brings a smile to someone who may not have been smiling before your words came along. THANK YOU
On Friday, February 19, 2010, Dilated View
(582) wrote:
Very sad that something like this is even a possibility. The part about sleeping with the light on/being afraid to dream really struck a nerve. Sadly written but written well, thank you for sharing.
A former member wrote:
Ok I just tried replying to your message like 3 times and none of them sent...I think. If you get a bunch of the same message - that's why. If you don't get any - I'll keep trying ha.
A former member wrote:
I do know how this feels...and have struggled with it as well. The only thing to do, is never give up. This was a well written piece, Thank You.
A former member wrote:
Here you've easily captured a feeling I know all too well..
On Wednesday, February 17, 2010, RubyXero
(481) wrote:
interesting ending. i didn't think that you would take it in that direction. though i definitely can relate to many of your words. a mystery to yourself in a sense it seems
On Wednesday, February 17, 2010, Ashteroth
(190) wrote:
Well said Aleas this is very true. Also Musik..this was a good piece in its own right. ~Ash
A former member wrote:
I agree with Aleas (who happens to have magic words). Taking a breath is sometimes difficult, but that pause can do wonders. Cleansing at its finest. Nice write =)
On Tuesday, February 16, 2010, Aleas
(169) wrote:
Funny, I *just* brought this up the other day in conversation - To inspire, all it takes is a word, or as the word implies, in-spire, "to breathe in". Sometimes all it takes is a breath. Chin up, and take a deep one. =p