b flat
By Jonas
like 5am
i still
bear her tokens
even see her
on my sleeve
a raven flies
with the changes
in the wind
hangs high
on the western
the same
lays the cypress
the flats again
as angels breath
and lighthouse
for i am free like there never was a terrible dream
crescent wear crown monarch to the night with stars
in her hair
rose odour adorns the prayers of the raven kind
the curious and unimaginable
high god can hear the cry
will he will he
treat us as babylon our dreams unhinged and falling from
a new frame of mind
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Published on Saturday, August 17, 2002.
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Comments on "b flat"
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On Wednesday, June 22, 2011, punk mc cool
(74) wrote:
Nicely done ;)
On Friday, July 18, 2008, heroineyes
(111) wrote:
i love the way it reads...it's a wonderful piece
On Wednesday, June 25, 2008, carlosjackal
(2787) wrote:
Your best piece. Astounding stuff. -Carl
On Wednesday, March 8, 2006, Railway_Butterfly
(353) wrote:
I'm sorry, that comment was awful. I don't do well with this whole comment thing..
On Wednesday, March 8, 2006, Railway_Butterfly
(353) wrote:
and makes me flutter with the thought of finding it again. This is truly.. poetry, in the way I always wish to find it.
On Wednesday, March 8, 2006, Railway_Butterfly
(353) wrote:
*breathes deeply* i've admired this from afar for a long time. I adore the way that every time I come back to this there seems to be somethng i've forgotten.. so small piece of it that's somehow slipped away
A former member wrote:
your works r just awesome!
On Wednesday, January 21, 2004, diavolessa
(207) wrote:
how exaclty have I missed this? This is one of your burried treasures I guess, because it is a treasure indeed. {dia}
A former member wrote:
"rose odour adorns the prayers of the raven kind, the curious and unimaginable, high god can hear the cry," these lines sum up the entire piece; this is also one of the more creative lines I've read in some time... feels like morrison, blake... fish.
On Friday, February 28, 2003, liquid_emotion
(323) wrote:
so you found forever beyond the pain and actually smiled :)