Beauty In Death

By Rachel

I watched her die tonight -
labored breath after labored breath.
Each of us holding ours wondering
which would be her last.
Time stopped in that room; with air so heavy
only those who've witnessed
a person fading
could ever understand.

And we waited.

Each of us secretly hoping|praying|pleading
this breath as the last.
Not out of hatred - no -
out of desperation. pity. grief.
In death she clings to life
prolonging the inevitable.

Ashamed for her, taking turns
wiping spit from her lips

We waited.

There is no beauty in death.

No peace.
There is only pain.
There is only shame.
Morticians feign pride by painting the dead
to make us forget the last pitiful looks of the dying.

I watched her die tonight.

The last breath was the most labored.
There was no final moment of clarity
no resolution
no last look of release before the end.

One moment she was there
the next she was gone.

We stopped waiting
and sighed.

Then it was done.

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© 2007 Rachel
Published on Wednesday, January 24, 2007.     Filed under: "Poetry"
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Comments on "Beauty In Death"

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  • TyrantAvDetForbannet On Sunday, December 25, 2011, TyrantAvDetForbannet (273)By person wrote:

    I understand you rachel. maybe not the situation at hand, but i feel you on that. Wonderfully expressed. Thank you for sharing. ohh life is so frail.

  • A former member wrote: That must've been pain, pain...and more pain. I'm glad to see there are strong people out there though, I wouldn't be.

  • Kittykat On Tuesday, April 6, 2010, Kittykat (35)By person wrote:

    Very well written, accurate and true. Thought provoking.

  • Kittykat On Tuesday, April 6, 2010, Kittykat (35)By person wrote:

    i have been there too , the waiting the holding of my mothers hand as she laboured silently it seemed and when the last breath wa over all i saw was the floor on which i fell to my knees because I had just lost the first woman i had ever loved. My best friend my mother someone who truley loved me unconditionally. You are right there is no beauty in death only sorrow,

  • meadowlea On Thursday, June 12, 2008, meadowlea (19)By person wrote:

    I agree there is no beauty in death. Didn't see the last breath of my husband but my son & i had to sit in the same room as him for 4 1/2 hrs til cops finished their stuff. not pretty at all. think of her as she was when full of life, much better for you.

  • A former member wrote: All I could think about was her last morphine shot. Nice poem.

  • A former member wrote: This is so emotional, I like it, Well Done

  • DarkLord On Wednesday, March 7, 2007, DarkLord (7)By person wrote:

    Reminds me of my grandma's death last year. When I saw her I knew I was looking at a dead woman even though she didn't die until later on that night. Good job...

  • Aunty Depressant On Wednesday, February 28, 2007, Aunty Depressant (423)By person wrote:

    I know this all too well, kudos on the strength and clarity in its form. I think sometimes how I can plan to somehow lesson the pain for my loved ones if I am subject to a slow death.

  • Aunty Depressant On Wednesday, February 28, 2007, Aunty Depressant (423)By person wrote:

    And all I can think is to not mask death, so as to not be so shocked. I have written about my mother, but felt too personal to post.

  • jack paper On Sunday, February 11, 2007, jack paper (121)By person wrote:

    just over a year ago i experienced the same thing.. it takes something out of you, leaves you with a feeling that doesn't go away but still

  • jack paper On Sunday, February 11, 2007, jack paper (121)By person wrote:

    i remember her for what she was in life not the empty shell they took away.. she was full of love and she was beautiful

  • A former member wrote: Nothing is beautiful about death... but this peice had a beauty to it.. that I enjoyed and yet was frightened. bleh.

  • A former member wrote: I shouldn't have read this....I'll end up coming back again and again, though...dammit...

  • Drea On Thursday, January 25, 2007, Drea (1388)By person wrote:

    This.. it killed me. It took me back to the day my great grandma died..being the only one with her when she passed.. seeing this.. hearing this.. I... remember as if it were yesterday. (only 3 years ago)...No words...

  • carlosjackal On Thursday, January 25, 2007, carlosjackal (2787)By person wrote:

    Honest, raw and brilliantly portrayed. I loved the truth you revealed in this.

  • ashottothetemple On Thursday, January 25, 2007, ashottothetemple (37)By person wrote:

    It hurts so bad.. because I know this time is coming for me as well. you know I've always admired your writing. Thanks again Miss Rachel.

  • A former member wrote: Very deep. Nice to see you posting again.

  • A former member wrote: startling contrast to what we'd like to believe, even moreso emphasized by the terse flow of thought.....puncture wounds of fear and punctuated by anger....clarity beyond; beyond no.thing beautiful....immense and emotive

  • A former member wrote: It is a very heart ripping experience being with a loved one during their last moments... Great write...

  • A former member wrote: Its a sad little piece. Why do people have to die though:-( ][][

  • soul dancer On Wednesday, January 24, 2007, soul dancer (95)By person wrote:

    So sad, and a bit scary that we may all die this way someday.

  • Mylissa On Wednesday, January 24, 2007, Mylissa (825)By person wrote:

    This was so tragic...full of emotion. wonderful write.

  • elisa On Wednesday, January 24, 2007, elisa (1595)By person wrote:

    i'll never forget the day my grandfather died after a massive stroke..... i was in the room....he was blind within a the end of the day his mouth went dry ....and he died..... there was nothing 'beautiful' about it.

  • elisa On Wednesday, January 24, 2007, elisa (1595)By person wrote:

    ...well said.

  • Bella Butchery On Wednesday, January 24, 2007, Bella Butchery (696)By person wrote:

    whoaw, this was deep, or at least fealt that way to me. strikes with a powerfull sence of iorny, excellent

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