
By Sex Slave

(i don't really know about not really good but it has alot a meaning behide it so hate it or love it, I don't care)~Danny~

Slowly she walks into school

Takes a deep breath

Questions running through her mind

Today maybe they'll only say one hurtful thing

She never expected it to be true

But hope that someday they would accept her brought her back

"It would be nice if i had some friends", she thought

Or maybe even if that boy she liked noticed her

O how that would make her day

To have someone care for her in the way her family could not

Time to face them she thought

It won't be as bad today

They won't make me cry this time

As soon as the kids saw her they new what to do

All they had to do was call her some names

They never really knew her just that she would cry

The girl tried to hold back her tears to keep her pride

Maybe if she thought of happy times

This time she wouldn't cry

Soon the tears swelled in her eyes

As she ran away, the kids laughing behind

She ran to the only place she knew she would be safe

There she cried even though she not why

Yes it hurt for them to treat her that way

But why

The things weren't true

Not a single one

She knew what to do it was time to make it stop

Slowly she walked to find the kids that had tormented her

When she came to they the names calling came again

But this time was different

This time the girl didn't run away and cry

She stood there to show she wasn't afrid

To prove that she wasn't going to to bullied anymore

Today the girl decided to take back her life

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Copyright 2005 Danielle Heyboer
Published on Wednesday, May 25, 2005.     Filed under: "Depressed" and "Poetry"
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Comments on "Girl"

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  • mywristshurt On Saturday, July 1, 2006, mywristshurt (405)By person wrote:

    the ending was very heart clenching.. like, man if only i could've helped her in some way type of poem.. it was really amazing how you could ryhme and tell a story.. i also saw some spelling mistakes.. just to let you know

  • Malice In Wonderland On Thursday, May 26, 2005, Malice In Wonderland (976)By person wrote:

    Aww honey, this was awesome, I know the feeling full well of being harassed...*hugs* Scholar

  • elisa On Wednesday, May 25, 2005, elisa (1595)By person wrote:

    i can relate to this....for years and years i was a quiet little girl, abused at home and abused at school.....then one day i snapped and my reign of violence began.......just recently i've been attempting to lengthen my very short fuse but.......~elisa

  • A former member wrote: by the way i love the point you make in this peice just as much as the peice itself

  • A former member wrote: i think that this was great and dont think it need the first messege though something like this is hard to hate.... i loved it great write and i am intreged to see more

  • Sex Slave On Wednesday, May 25, 2005, Sex Slave (78)By person wrote:


  • Kinkypoptart On Wednesday, May 25, 2005, Kinkypoptart (555)By person wrote:

    Who cares who loves it or hates it. It's your very own, and thats all that counts. However, I think its wonderful. ~*~Tart~*~

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