...Never good enough...
By Cutting_for_Freedom
I'm a fuck up
I'm nothing
Never good enough
I'm falling
I failed
Always letting you down
I'm weak
I'm stupid
You know it...
...You just don't admit it to my face...
I'm always turning to the knife for a solution to an un-answerable question
I've been trying to get better
Does eating mean nothing anymore?
I want to get better,
You just think I'm lying
Look at me damn it!
My eyes are pleading for help
For you to understand
But you are blinded by my failure
So blinded that you don't realize my true intentions.
I'm sorry.
I truly am.
Your tired of hearing it.
But I mean it.
I fucked up.
I know I did wrong
Please forgive me
I just want to make you proud.
I'm weak,
I'm scared,
I fucked up,
And most of all...
...I'll never be good enough...
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Copyright 2005 Cutting_for_Freedom
Published on Monday, January 24, 2005.
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Comments on "...Never good enough..."
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A former member wrote:
I know the feeling well. I feel your pain. ~Silver~
A former member wrote:
very strong I loved it
A former member wrote:
A former member wrote:
It has the certain taste of.. well heartbreak.. and not able to please people... it does send a message to me, i just have yet to figure it out...good writing though, i like it a lot
On Thursday, September 1, 2005, abattoir
(115) wrote:
this piece kicked ass..so fucking tru.i know. -abattoir
A former member wrote:
well..your definetly a good enought writer..i really like this piece. its very sad, but good.
A former member wrote:
Hang in there,sometimes I feel your pain.Skitzophrenia is a common disease,and your poem has so much empathy for someone of my character.Thank you.
On Thursday, May 26, 2005, Sin
(1135) wrote:
you know how others percieve you isnt half as important as you view yourself...and no matter your flaws we are all important and deserve love...you are beautiful and passionate and no one can ever take that away from you...
On Thursday, May 26, 2005, Sin
(1135) wrote:
i hope one day you find peace with yourself ~kristy
A former member wrote:
This was an amazing poem. The words flow so well together. Oh and how I can relate!~'@
A former member wrote:
Very emotional.. You're good enough to me. Fuck the everyone else. - Holly
On Tuesday, January 25, 2005, The Crimson Queen
(917) wrote:
you are good enough...you just have to see that and realize it first...great write, welcome to the wonderful world of DP! ~AoD
On Monday, January 24, 2005, Malice In Wonderland
(976) wrote:
and no wonder!!!look at how you see yourself!!! Take the good with the bad...and this is a pretty good start, I think, Welcome to dp.