flawed metamorphosis

By Liz

the condom I left in the trashcan
[to punish myself]
was an elephant by this morning
and it stepped on my face

[nose bleeding and teeth chattering]
I crept into glorious sunlight
as butterflies exit a dank cocoon

self-loathing and mind-numbing apathy
[old familiar friends]
escorted my shaky passage
through the pastel breeze of spring

like a forgotten war veteran
[shell-shocked and shamed]
I marveled at misery
and longed for the past

in flawed metamorphosis
[flawed logic, flawed lust]
I lost my means of flight
when they tore as I escaped

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Copyright 2005 Liz
Published on Tuesday, March 22, 2005.     Filed under: "Poetry"
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Comments on "flawed metamorphosis"

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  • FadedBlues On Wednesday, August 21, 2013, FadedBlues (2096)By person wrote:

    ...shattering fisfuls of sorrow in your poem. to imagine anyone, any human, fragile as a butterfly, emerging from the cocoon, so disabled...

  • TropicalSnowstorm On Wednesday, August 21, 2013, TropicalSnowstorm (1580)By person wrote:

    "the condom I left in the trashcan [to punish myself]" - fantastic beginning to an excellent piece on self-loathing behavior. Loved the flow and imagery throughout! Ciao, T/S Scholar

  • A former member wrote: a good way to spend the minute or two it took to read this, Very nicely done. Scholar

  • A former member wrote: The first stanza cracks me up... it's so matter of fact. the elephant... stepped on my face. and from there into the glorious sunlight. good job liz. Scholar

  • A former member wrote: Funny we seem to die after we feel we've lived the most Scholar

  • A former member wrote: this poem for some reason reminds me of the book Rules of Attraction.....it relates a very real image, though I'm sure it's not the one your trying to convey, it speaks to me of my late adolescence...when I made meny meny mistakes, mistakes that I am jus Scholar

  • A former member wrote: just starting to learn from now Scholar

  • birdwell On Sunday, March 27, 2005, birdwell (138)By person wrote:

    this is the best poem i've read in weeks ~db~

  • Liz On Tuesday, January 8, 2008, Liz (265)By person wrote:

    this is still one of the best comments i've ever gotten

  • Solace On Thursday, March 24, 2005, Solace (1065)By person wrote:

    *I marveled at misery and longed for the past* Gods, the expression in this is flawless, a truly awe inspiring piece...brilliant indeed

  • sIo On Tuesday, March 22, 2005, sIo (898)By person wrote:

    damn....just damn.

  • Anth On Tuesday, March 22, 2005, Anth (1126)By person wrote:

    the first verse just reminded me of that rolo advert, lol, sorry:P ill read the poem now

  • Liz On Tuesday, March 22, 2005, Liz (265)By person wrote:

    I don't think I've seen that one ;-)

  • Anth On Tuesday, March 22, 2005, Anth (1126)By person wrote:

    he teases an elephant with his last rolo i think as a kid and then years later the elephant whacks himover the head or sumfin like that...id give you my last rolo liz:D

  • Liz On Tuesday, March 22, 2005, Liz (265)By person wrote:

    Thank you anth. Really.

  • avlar On Tuesday, March 22, 2005, avlar (24)By person wrote:

    wow...its all i can say

  • Anth On Tuesday, March 22, 2005, Anth (1126)By person wrote:

    damn incredible write,the imagery, so powerful,and the way you describe it,,,i have to say this poem is flawless, the emerging,contrast, starkness, bleakness all these words spring to mind here..and then that last part, breathtaking

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